two students walking outside a building on campus

Reading (RD)

RD 610  Literacy/ESOL Instructional Approaches  (3)  

This course is designed to investigate theories and practices of reading instruction with the goal of improving literacy instruction in the classroom. Students learn various current theories of the reading and writing processes as well as the internal and external variables that affect the acquisition of literacy skills. From these theories students are encouraged to adopt a personal view of the literacy process upon which instructional decisions as critical and reflective professionals in classrooms with diverse cultural and learning needs can be made. Current literacy research that supports instructional decision-making for native English speakers and ESOL learners will be infused throughout the course. Theory, which forms the basis for the course, is balanced with concern for practical applications in the classroom. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

RD 612  Literature for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults  (3)  

This course examines literature across P-12 levels with an emphasis on how literature can be used in the development of literacy skills, including with learners whose native language is not English. Students will explore a variety of literature, including multicultural books, picture books, award winning books, poetry, and non-fiction books. Students will explore trends and issues in literature, including censorship, gender bias, cultural representation, as well as others. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

RD 616  Teaching Writing in Classrooms  (3)  

Current approaches to teaching writing based on whole language philosophy across a K-9 curriculum. Instructional strategies for improving writing skills through a writing workshop and methods of evaluating writing including portfolio assessment will be emphasized. Explores current issues and recent research findings relating to teaching writing.

RD 618  Integrating Language Arts in Classrooms  (3)  

Current approaches to teaching communication skills based on whole language philosophy across a K-9 curriculum. Instructional strategies for developing oracy and literacy skills are based on an integrated language arts perspective and include the development of thematic planning and reading workshop. Explores current issues and recent research findings relating to teaching language arts.

RD 619  Literacy for Young Adults  (3)  

Study of books read by young adults between 12 and 18. Covers history of young adult literature, the relationship between children's and young adult literature, censorship and selection, and teaching methods.

RD 620  Literacy and ESOL Assessment  (3)  

Principles and techniques of assessment of literacy skills of learners whose native language is English and in ESOL settings. Students will examine purposes for assessment, types of assessments (including formal and informal assessment procedures), analyzing assessment data, and evaluating learners’ strengths and areas of need to determine goals for instruction. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

RD 622  Literacy/ESOL Instructional Strategies  (3)  

The scope of this course includes the principles and techniques of literacy instruction for learners whose native language is English and for ESOL learners with diverse learning needs. Current research in literacy provides the basis for understanding the needs of learners and the best strategies for assisting them. Focus on learning will be on making critical and reflective decisions in selecting the most appropriate strategies, resources, and materials for readers who exhibit specific strengths and challenges in reading. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

RD 624  Practicum in Reading  (3)  

Supervised clinical experience with learners who exhibit reading problems. Students administer tests, analyze data, determine reader's strengths and weaknesses, develop an instructional plan, select and implement appropriate strategies and materials, and assess progress towards instructional goals. Prerequisites: RD 610, RD 620, and RD 622.

RD 626  The Literacy/ESOL Specialist  (3)  

A seminar in the role of the literacy specialist and ESOL specialist in elementary, middle, or secondary school settings with emphasis on the knowledge and skills necessary to think and act as a literacy/ESOL professional with students, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, professional colleagues, and the community. This course will focus on federal, state, and local literacy/ESOL programs, current research and curricular practices, historical and current trends and issues in the field of literacy and ESOL, and organizations which support and advocate for literacy, ESOL learners, and literacy/ESOL specialists.

RD 628  Linguistics, Language Development, and Assessment  (3)  

Principles of the processes of language development including factors which affect language development, the stages of language acquisition, and the relationship between oral language and literacy. Focus on developing assessment procedures and instructional strategies to facilitate language development. The course also focuses on language and linguistics in ESOL settings, including first and second language acquisition processes; English phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse; and implications for teaching English language learners. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

RD 630  Literacy/ESOL Practicum  (3)  

A supervised clinical experience in which students work with learners to improve their literacy skills. Students administer assessments, analyze data, determine learners’ strengths and weaknesses, develop instructional plans, select and implement appropriate strategies and materials, and assess progress towards instructional goals using skills developed as critical and reflective professionals. Appropriate conduct is maintained with parents and classroom teachers with oral or written reports as deemed appropriate. Prerequisites: RD 610 and RD 612 and RD 620 and RD 622 and RD 628

RD 656  Advanced Children's Literature  (3)  

Advanced survey and analysis of the literature written for children through middle school. A variety of literary forms are explored. Emphasis on evaluation and development of specific strategies to enhance reader comprehension and appreciation. Emphasis also on incorporating children's literature in instruction across the curriculum.

RD 684  Literacy Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Content Areas  (3)  

A study of the specific literacy skills relating to the various disciplines found in middle and secondary schools. Emphasis is given to the importance of text complexity and readability, academic vocabulary acquisition, comprehension skills, use of text-based evidence, critical & analytical reading and writing, reading strategies (both universal and discipline specific), and working with ESOL learners. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.