two students walking outside a building on campus

Psychology (PY)

PY 100  Basic Concepts in Psychology  (3)  

An introduction to fundamental areas of Psychology including an overview of the concepts and methods of such areas as perception, learning, motivation, memory, development, personality, abnormal and social.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

PY 151  Psychological Statistics  (3)  

The course will introduce students to descriptive and inferential statistical techniques used in contemporary psychology. The course will not only to help students understand the mathematical and statistical concepts presented but also to assist in the application of the procedures. Prerequisite: PY 100 with a grade of C or better, or concurrent enrollment, and MA 090 or MA 095.

PY 209  Psychological Development through the Life-Span  (3)  

Psychological research and theories which describe and explain life-cycle stability and change in perception, cognition, language, psychomotor behavior, personality, interpersonal relationships, etc. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 210  Psychology of Infancy and Childhood  (3)  

Overview of theory and research on the psychological development of infants and children. Included are the development of sex roles, aggression, friendship, attachment to parents, perception, cognition, language, and moral reasoning and behavior.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

PY 211  Adolescent Psychology  (3)  

Theory and research on adolescent personality, social and cognitive development, including problems of adjustment during the teenage years.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

PY 212  Psychology of Adulthood and Aging  (3)  

Psychological theory and research on the changes and continuities of the adult years: personality, intelligence, memory, sex roles, interpersonal relationships, death and dying, and the psychological consequences of physical and health changes.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Information Literacy and Technology

PY 231  Abnormal Psychology  (3)  

A survey of the origins, processes, and diagnostic characteristics of representative syndromes of maladaptive behavior.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

PY 234  Applied Behavior Analysis  (3)  

Elementary principles of learning & their application for managing the behavior of normal & abnormal populations in a variety of settings including schools, mental institutions, hospitals & businesses. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 251  Research Methods in Psychology  (3)  

This course is an introduction to research methods in psychology. The goals of the course are for the student to learn how research is planned, carried out, communicated, and critiqued. Although only a few of students may pursue a career as a research psychologist, everyone is a consumer of research from psychology and other scientific disciplines. As such, a major goal of this course is to develop the capacity for critically evaluating "scientific evidence" that is communicated in journals, magazines, newspapers, and news programs. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 295  Special Topics  (1-3)  

Selected topics in psychology, announced in advance. Prerequisite: Specified for each topic.

PY 299  Psychological Forum  (1)  

Survey of applied issues in the profession of Psychology including an overview of employment and graduate school opportunities as well as vocational techniques for achieving those goals. Pass/Fail Only. Prerequisites: PY 100 and Sophomore Psychology Major.

PY 301  Principles of Learning  (3)  

Examines factors involved in acquiring and changing behaviors. Theories, historical and current models, and empirical findings in the field of learning and memory are explored. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 305  Sensation & Perception  (3)  

Focus on the anatomy and functions of sensory systems (vision, audition, olfaction, gustation, haptics). Emphasis on differences in theoretical backgrounds. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 306  Cognition  (3)  

A study of the intellectual structures and processes involved in the acquisition, storage, transformation, and use of knowledge. Prerequisite: PY 100.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

PY 307  Physiological Psychology  (3)  

Examines the physiological basis of psychological phenomena (e.g., behavior). Concentrates on the function of biological systems on both general and specific behaviors. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 309  Theories of Personality  (3)  

Psychological theories of personality, including psychoanalytic, learning, and humanistic approaches. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 310  Social Psychology  (3)  

Theory and research on cognitive and behavioral responses to social stimuli. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 311  Multicultural Psychology  (3)  

This course is an introduction to multicultural psychology theory, research, and practice. In this class, students will develop multicultural competencies (i.e., knowledge, awareness, and skills) and cultural humility (i.e., openness, curiosity, perspective taking) in order to prepare them to live and work with individuals from diverse backgrounds. No prerequisites.

PY 312  Psychology of Creativity  (3)  

Exploration of the many facets of creativity, including the nature, measurement, prediction, and cultivation of creativity, and its relationship to other cognitive abilities. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 314  Personality and Social Behavior  (3)  

Description of the characteristics that distinguish individuals and a review of the processes by which these characteristics are thought to be established and changed. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 316  Consumer Psychology  (3)  

Psychological principles and theories of learning, perception, motivation, attitude formation, personality and decision making are examined as they affect consumer behavior and the influence process.

PY 317  Music and the Brain  (3)  

Study of the biological processes of active and passive music involvement and the resulting effect on individuals' learning, physical health, and mental well-being. Includes an experimental component. Prerequisite: EN 101 and BI 100 or higher; or PY 100; or consent of instructor.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

PY 320  Psychological Testing and Measurement  (3)  

Theory and methods in psychological measurement, and their application to the construction, selection, and interpretation of psychological tests. Includes a survey of representative personality and ability tests. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 325  Community Psychology  (3)  

The study of community and organizational approaches to intervention and prevention strategies for mental health care, general health care, and various social problems. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 326  Health Psychology  (3)  

Introduction to the contributions of psychology to the prevention and treatment of illness, promotion and maintenance of health, and the improvement of the healthcare system. Topics include the role of stress and physiological factors in illness, chronic pain disorders and pain management, lifestyle and psychosocial influences on health, complementary and alternative methods for health promotion, and interpersonal factors involved in illness and health. Prerequisites: PY 100.

PY 327  Correctional Psychology  (3)  

An introduction to the field of Correctional Psychology. Applies psychological theories, principles and research to correctional issues. Topics include inmate behavior, women in prison, and psychological disorders found among offenders and prevention of fatigue, stress, and burnout in staff members. Prerequisite: PY 100 or consent.

PY 333  Counseling Psychology  (3)  

Major theories and techniques of psychological counseling. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 336  Internship  (1-3)  

Supervised experience in the application of psychological concepts and methods or volunteer work. Work in non-classroom situations required. Arrangements for enrollment must be completed prior to registration. (May be used to meet Senior Capstone Experience requirement). Pass/Fail Only. Prerequisites: One related advanced course and consent of instructor.

PY 338  Childhood Psychopathology  (3)  

An overview of psychological and behavioral disorders of children and adolescents, including their characteristics, origins, and treatment. Prerequisite: None.

PY 339  Psychology of Sex and Gender  (3)  

This course will examine and analyze ways biology, culture, and society shape females' and males' identities, life experiences and other aspects of psychology. To study the psychology of sex and gender, we will examine historical views, physiology, socialization, friendships, sexuality, romantic relationships, childbearing and rearing, work, and mental and physical health. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 350  Introduction to Clinical Psychology  (3)  

Clinical Psychology as a science and a profession. The history, scope, ethics, theories, and methods of clinical psychology. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 353  Psychology of Everyday Life  (3)  

Applications of psychological theory and research in common life arenas, including family, work, and interpersonal relationships. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 356  Psychology of Marital and Family Processes  (3)  

An overview of psychological theories and research pertaining to family processes and the influence of the family on the psychological development of the individual. Topics to be covered include various psychological theories pertaining to family functioning, family dysfunction and divorce, and relationships between family functioning and psychopathology. Prerequisite: PY 100.

PY 385  From Classroom to Career  (3)  

Students work with the instructor and career services to hone professional development skills to transfer from the classroom into their careers and review academic literature relating to some aspect of professional development. This course helps to address APA's Professional Development guidelines for undergraduate psychology majors. (May be used to meet Senior Capstone Experience requirement.) Prerequisites: PY 100

PY 386  Advanced Research Design/Scientific Writing  (3)  

This course is primarily designed for students considering directed research and graduate school. This course will provide students with hands-on experience with regard to experimental research methods. Students will gain the skills necessary to conduct a literature review that will then be used to design, conduct, and analyze a novel empirical investigation. This course will enhance student's writing skills, with an emphasis on scientific writing using APA format. Prerequisites: PY 151 and PY 251 with grades of "C" or better; 3.0 cumulative GPA.

PY 387  History and Systems of Psychology  (3)  

An examination of philosophical and empirical roots that led to the development of the discipline of psychology and the historical progression of ideas central to modern psychology. (May be used to meet Senior Capstone Experience requirement). Prerequisite: Psychology Senior or consent.

PY 388  Directed Collaborative Research  (3)  

Supervised small group research project(s) designed to provide the opportunity to work collaboratively with peers. (May be used to meet Senior Capstone Experience requirement). Prerequisites: PY 386 and consent of instructor.

PY 389  Independent Study  (1-3)  

Individual problems planned and executed by the student under supervision. (May be used to meet Senior Capstone Experience requirement.) May be repeated up to a total of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

PY 390  Directed Research  (1-3)  

Supervised independent research involving gathering, analysis, and reporting of empirical data. This course serves as a culminating experience for Bachelor's degree students and may be used to meet the Senior Capstone Experience requirement. May be repeated up to a total of 6 hours. Prerequisites: PY 386 and consent of instructor.

PY 395  Special Topics  (1-3)  

Selected topics in psychology, announced in advance. Can be repeated for credit under different topic areas. Prerequisite: Specified for each topic.

PY 602  Advanced Physiological Psychology  (3)  

Critical issues within cognitive and behavioral neuroscience are discussed, including neuronal physiology, functional neuroanatomy, and methods used in psychophysiological research. Special emphasis is placed on biological foundations of psychopathology and psychopharmacology. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 603  Advanced Health Psychology  (3)  

Advanced health psychology examines how biological, psychological, and social factors interact with and affect the efforts people make in promoting good health and well-being as well as preventing illness. Advanced study includes reviewing and discussing contemporary empirical research related to the science and practice of health psychology. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

PY 610  Intermediate Statistics  (3)  

Survey of basic statistical principles including parametric and non-parametric hypothesis testing techniques, correlation, and an introduction to computer statistical packages. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 611  Graduate Research Design  (2)  

Advanced, detailed study of research design, including experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs. Issues of ethics, sampling, reliability, validity, and analysis will be discussed. Students will also develop skills in critiquing and reporting scientific research. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 612  Scientific Writing  (1)  

Scientific writing is a unique form of writing and vastly different from the manner students typically write. Students in this course will be exposed to the various nuances that define APA style scientific writing, be exposed to the common errors made when writing scientifically, and will develop their skill in writing in a scientific manner. Prerequisite: PY 611.

PY 615  Counseling Skills and Interviewing Techniques  (1.5)  

The purpose of this course is to assist students in developing necessary skills to be an effective interviewer/therapist. This will be done through readings, self-exploration, and practicing therapeutics skills of motivational interviewing and other therapeutic and information-gathering techniques. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 625  Advanced Psychopathology  (3)  

Theory, research, and clinical approaches to problems of adulthood and childhood. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 631  Psychological Assessment of Adults Practicum  (1.5)  

This practicum, which is a co-requisite of PY 632 Psychological Assessment of Adults, is designed to provide students with the applied skills required to competently administer, score and interpret various adult psychological assessments. Students will also utilize related information gathering techniques toward the goal of validly and reliably assessing the intellectual, personality, and, to a lesser degree, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning of adults. Prerequisite: Departmental permission.

PY 632  Psychological Assessment of Adults  (3)  

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to choose, administer, and interpret various instruments and information gathering techniques with the goal of assessing the intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning of adults. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

PY 633  Psychological Assessment of Children  (3)  

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to choose, administer, and interpret various instruments and information gathering techniques with the goal of assessing the intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning of children. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

PY 634  Psychological Assessment of Children Practicum  (1.5)  

This practicum will focus on the application of child and family assessment skills acquired in PY 633 Psychological Assessment of Children. The practicum will involve a combination of lecture, discussion, role plays, supervision, and practical experience with clients in the Psychological Services Clinic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

PY 635  Ethics Psychological Practice  (2)  

This course will explore contemporary aspects of professional practice germane to master's level psychologists. The primary focus will be on the understanding and application of the APA Ethics Code when providing psychotherapy and psychological assessment services. Special topics such as requirements for licensure and career options may also be explored. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

PY 637  Diversity Issues Treatment & Assessment  (2)  

Introduction to diversity issues in counseling and psychological/educational assessment, including culture, gender, language, and related issues. Training in models for providing effective psychological services to clients, taking into account their unique background. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

PY 640  Introduction to Psychotherapy Techniques  (3)  

Theory and practice of basic interviewing and therapy skills, with an emphasis on the cognitive behavioral approach for treatment of anxiety disorders. Must be taken with PY 641. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

PY 641  Psychotherapy Practicum I  (1.5)  

Students are expected to demonstrate and master a variety of clinical techniques involving therapeutic skills being taught concurrently in PY 640. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in PY 640.

PY 653  Psychological Assessment of Children  (3)  

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to choose, administer, and interpret various instruments and information gathering techniques with the goal of assessing the intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning of children. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

PY 670  Individual Adult Psychotherapy  (3)  

Theory and practice of psychotherapeutic intervention skills with an emphasis on interpersonal, cognitive, and brief therapy approaches for treatment of mood disorders. Must be taken concurrently with PY 671. Prerequisites: PY 630 and PY 640.

PY 671  Psychotherapy Practicum II  (1.5)  

Students are expected to demonstrate and master a variety of clinical techniques involving therapeutic skills being taught concurrently in PY 670. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in PY 670.

PY 680  Psychological Assessment: Personality and Behavior  (3)  

Research bases and clinical applications of objective psychological instruments, projective techniques, and behavioral assessment designed to measure child, adolescent, and adult personality, affect, and psychopathology. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 690  Group Therapy: Theory & Application  (2)  

This course provides foundational knowledge and experience to support the facilitation of group approaches to psychotherapy. Didactic instruction will be supplemented with an experiential training component. Prerequisites: Consent.

PY 691  Group Therapy Practicum  (1)  

The faculty is committed to the belief that the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical experience is an integral part of the curriculum. This practicum will focus on application of group therapy theory and skills acquired in PY 690 Group Therapy: Theory and Application. PY 691 will involve a combination of lecture, discussion, and practical experience with clients in the Psychological Services Clinic. Prerequisite: PY 690.

PY 700  Child and Family Therapy  (3)  

Theory and practice of family and child management interventions. Prerequisite: PY 670.

PY 701  Child and Family Therapy Practicum  (1.5)  

This practicum will focus on the application of child and family therapy theory and skills acquired in PY 700 Child and Family Therapy. The practicum will involve a combination of lecture, discussion, role plays, and practical experience with clients in the Psychological Services Clinic. Concurrent enrollment in PY 700 is required. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

PY 720  Seminar in Psychology  (2)  

Selected topics of relevant psychological, clinical, and professional issues. May be repeated with different topics. Prerequisite: Consent.

PY 780  Internship  (1-4)  

Field training experience oriented toward development of skill in assessment and therapeutic intervention, consultation experiences, preventive applications, and group and family interventions. Repeated to a maximum of 12 hours toward the degree. Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy status and consent of instructor.

PY 795  Directed Research  (1-3)  

Independent supervised research. Does not count toward graduation. Prerequisite: 6 completed hours in PY 799.

PY 799  Thesis  (1-3)  

Independent supervised research. Repeated to a maximum 6 credit hours toward degree. Prerequisite: Admission to candidacy status.