two students walking outside a building on campus

Interdisciplinary Studies (IS)

IS 000  Reservation Placeholder  (0)  

IS 110  Special Topics  (0-6)  

Special topics in interdisciplinary studies announced in advance. May be repeated with different topics. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor

IS 201  Study Abroad Internal Program  (1-18)  

Approved study abroad program coordinated by the Office of International Programs.

IS 203  Study Abroad Departmental-Specific Program  (1-18)  

Approved departmental-specific study abroad program coordinated by the Office of International Programs.

IS 221  Study Abroad External Program  (0-18)  

Approved external (non-Washburn) study abroad program coordinated by the Office of International Programs.

IS 270  Grant Writing I  (3)  

This internship course is designed to provide pre-professional work experience, in a sponsored projects office, to facilitate professional development and career exploration in grant writing and grant proposal development in response to either a private or a public opportunity. Prerequisite: None.

IS 300  Mock Trial II  (1)  

Enrollment is open only to students selected to the Mock Trial Team.

IS 301  Study Abroad Internal Program  (1-18)  

Approved study abroad program coordinated by the Office of International Programs.

IS 303  Study Abroad Departmental-Specific Program  (1-18)  

Approved study abroad program coordinated by the Office of International Programs.

IS 321  Study Abroad External Program  (0-18)  

Approved external (non-Washburn) study abroad program coordinated by the Office of International Programs. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

IS 389  Integrated Studies Capstone Proposal  (1)  

This course is the prerequisite course to the IS 390 Capstone Project course and must be taken the semester immediately preceding IS 390 or special permission by the BIS Director. This course is designed to assist the student in developing an appropriate capstone project. Prerequisite: At least thirty completed hours from either the Individualized Study Plan (ISP) or the Multi-Disciplinary Study Plan (MDSP) or special permission by the BIS Director.

IS 390  Integrated Studies Capstone  (1-7)  

The thoughtful integration of diverse materials is a major demand on the student working toward a Bachelor of Integrated Studies. The format may vary in terms of the student’s special interests, abilities, imagination, and creativity. May consist of a research paper, a comprehensive written examination on selected reading materials, an oral presentation, or a special performance utilizing one or more art forms or modes of expression. Prerequisite: IS 389 or by consent of the BIS Director.

IS 400  Special Topics  (0-3)  

Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in advance. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Consent of instructors.

IS 420  Study Abroad Internal Program  (1-18)  

Approved senior- or graduate-level study abroad programs coordinated by the Office of International Programs.

IS 421  Study Abroad External Program  (0-18)  

Approved study abroad programs for senior- or graduate-level hosted by another US institution.

IS 470  Grant Writing II  (3)  

This internship course is designed to provide pre-professional work experience, in a sponsored projects office, to facilitate professional development and career exploration in grant writing and grant proposal development in response to both private and public grant opportunities. Prerequisite: None.

IS 471  Grant Administration Internship  (3)  

This course is designed to provide pre-professional work experience, in a sponsored projects office, to facilitate professional development and career exploration in the administration and management of a grant (sponsored project) award. Prerequisite: IS 270 or IS 470.