two students walking outside a building on campus

Information Literacy (IL)

IL 170  Library Research Strategies  (1)  

Designed to both introduce and improve basic library research skills using the print and automated information retrieval resources of the University Library. Additional in-depth analysis of database sources, the ability to construct search strategies and evaluation of materials are covered. Prerequisites: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Natural Science
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Information Literacy and Technology

IL 171  Internet Research Strategies  (1)  

Designed to both introduce and improve research strategies for finding scholarly information on the Internet, including resources in the Invisible Web that cannot be accessed with standard search engines, such as Google. Students will learn to formulate and modify an effective search strategy, investigate the theory behind the search process, and critically evaluate electronic resources based on appropriate criteria. This course is offered on-campus, on-line or hybrid. Prerequisites: IL 170.

IL 172  Advanced Research Strategies  (1)  

Designed to introduce and improve advanced research strategies for students that have completed both IL 170 and IL 171. Students will focus on research in the disciplines and create artifacts for an identified discipline. This course is ideal for students that are interested in designing a research plan for publication. This course is offered on-campus, on-line or hybrid. Prerequisites: IL 171.

IL 174  Trace Your Family History  (1)  

In this course, students will use an advanced approach to the research process and methods for retrieving information for a scholarly paper or presentation. Experience in the research process, selecting a topic, and retrieving information on topics is required. Focus is on developing the following skills: understanding the many types of research, methods, delivery of research results in the academic community. Prerequisites: None.

IL 300  Information Literacy for Scholars  (3)  

In this course, students will use an advanced approach to the research process and methods for retrieving information for a scholarly paper or presentation. Experience in the research process, selecting a topic, and retrieving information on topics is required. Focus is on developing the following skills: understanding the many types of research, methods, delivery of research results in the academic community. Prerequisites: None.

IL 301  Google and Beyond  (3)  

An introduction to information searching and evaluating information in digital, print, visual, and aural formats, students will learn advanced search techniques used in online resources. Students will develop skills to locate reliable information to become and remain informed citizens. This class will improve student communication, critical thinking, and information literacy skills. Prerequisites: None.

IL 311  Information Literacy Health Professions  (3)  

This course acquaints students with the processes of finding, organizing, using, producing and distributing information in a variety of formats specific to the Health Sciences. Students will examine the flow of information in a variety of Health Sciences disciplines, effective research processes, how to access information in multiple formats and how to formulate effective searches in health specific electronic databases and on the Internet. Learning how to evaluate the quality of information and becoming familiar with practical, social and ethical issues relating to information within the health professions in an increasingly technological society is a key component of the course. This class seeks to improve student communication, critical thinking and information literacy skills in health professions. Prerequisites: None.

IL 321  Information Organization and Access  (3)  

This course introduces the fundamentals of identifying objects or ideas, including description, content indication, and metadata. Students will learn basic aspects of representing and organizing information resources in daily lives or academic settings. This class will improve student communication, critical thinking, and information literacy skills. Prerequisites: None.

IL 351  Information, Culture, & People  (3)  

In a study of how individuals and groups create meaning, students will explore research topics concerning people and communication, including information literacy, organization and innovation, knowledge management, and information as cultural phenomenon. Students will study various international and generational cultures' access to and ways to share information, preparing them for interaction with professional colleagues from varied backgrounds. This class will improve student communication, critical thinking, information literacy skills, and understanding of the knowledge society. Prerequisites: None.

IL 398  Information Literacy Readings  (3)  

The 3-credit forum course for Information Literacy Minors to provide students guidance and training in the skills and processes necessary for the practice of Information. The course draws upon research methods and critical analysis culminating with an annotated bibliography. Also, students will be introduced to opportunities in the Information Literacy field and the ethics of information literate citizens in the knowledge society. The course will be delivered online. Prerequisites: IL 170, IL 171, and IL 172 or consent of instructor.

IL 399  Information Literacy Research  (1-3)  

The capstone course for Information Literacy Minors devoted to guided and independent research, developing bibliographic techniques in the creation of a written artifact and culminating in a presentation to the class. The course will be delivered online. Prerequisites: IL 170, IL 171, and IL 172 or consent of instructor.