two students walking outside a building on campus

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

ECE 100  Introduction to Early Childhood Education  (3)  

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of early childhood education. It will include an introduction on developmentally appropriate practice, curriculum methods and materials, including technology, and connect to early learning standards.

ECE 112  Preschool Development  (3)  

The focus of this course is on the development, implementation and assessment of appropriate environments and curricula for young children ages three through five. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments.

ECE 119  Creative Experiences for Young Children  (3)  

This course is a study of constructing and maintaining a developmentally appropriate environment for young children that fosters aesthetic sensitivity and creativity. It focuses on the selection, construction, use of materials for experiences that encourage the young child’s creativity, and development through visual arts, dramatic play, and music.

ECE 127  Child Health, Safety, & Nutrition  (3)  

This course is the basic study of health, nutrition, and safety management practices for young children. Includes instruction on CPR/First Aid.

ECE 131  Children with Special Needs  (3)  

This course will enable the student to develop skills associated with providing quality care and education to young children with disabilities and chronic conditions. The student will explore issues of positioning, feeding, adaptive equipment, family dynamics, inclusion, and invasive procedures.

ECE 135  Infant & Toddler Development & Care  (3)  

This course focuses on the growth and development of the child from birth through age two. An in-depth look at the unique learning environment required for infants and toddlers will provide an understanding of how to create and maintain safe and healthy environments that promote physical and intellectual competency as well as support social and emotional development. Outcomes will also include the development of programs that include collaborative partnerships with parents and community resources for servicing infant and toddler needs.

ECE 141  Early Language & Literacy Development  (3)  

This course is designed to teach students how to recognize and implement appropriate environmental strategies that support early literacy development and appropriate early experiences with books and writing. Emphasis is placed on speaking and listening, as well as reading and writing readiness. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to select, plan, implement, and evaluate appropriate early literacy experiences.

ECE 148  Early Childhood Education Lab I  (3)  

This course involves participation in the licensed early learning center under supervision of the unit leader. Students use knowledge and skills expected of professionals new to the early childhood education field.

ECE 151  Early Childhood Curriculum Development  (3)  

This course explores the principals involved in planning, implementing and evaluating developmentally appropriate, evidence-based curriculum for young children.

ECE 155  Early Childhood Education Lab II  (3)  

This course is the second lab course in the program that involves participation in the licensed early learning center under supervision of the unit leader. Students use knowledge and skills expected of professionals new to the early childhood education field.

ECE 200  Developing Family Relationships  (3)  

This course will assist students in developing guidance skills, handling guidance challenges, establishing classroom rules, and involving parents and family.

ECE 202  Administration in Early Childhood  (3)  

This course will enable the student to implement the principles of administration and organization of childcare programs. The student will focus on record keeping, budgeting, facility management, family involvement, and the hiring, training, supervision, and evaluation of staff.

ECE 205  Foundation of Education  (3)  

This course is designed to acquaint students with the education profession and to help them develop a realistic understanding of teaching, learning, and leadership. Students will examine motives for teaching, explore the qualities of effective teachers and leadership, and discuss the various diversities teachers encounter as well as the implications for teachers and learning. Students will begin to identify strategies and options for successful classroom practice.  Ethical, legal, and controversial issues affecting education today will be addressed along with how to become a teacher leader in the profession.

ECE 212  Children's Play and Games  (3)  

This course is designed to stress the importance of play learning attitudes and environments. Students learn the importance of movement in relation to what children learn, and that play environments should encourage children to explore, imagine, invent, and express feelings.

ECE 227  Early Childhood Education Internship  (3)  

This course involves students being placed in an early learning center to learn to work with professionals in the field, understand the type of dedication needed, and to observe the working operations of an early learning center. Course will culminate with an early childhood education portfolio.