Early Childhood Education (ECE)
ECE 100 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3)
ECE 112 Preschool Development (3)
ECE 119 Creative Experiences for Young Children (3)
ECE 127 Child Health, Safety, & Nutrition (3)
ECE 131 Children with Special Needs (3)
ECE 135 Infant & Toddler Development & Care (3)
ECE 141 Early Language & Literacy Development (3)
ECE 148 Early Childhood Education Lab I (3)
ECE 151 Early Childhood Curriculum Development (3)
ECE 155 Early Childhood Education Lab II (3)
ECE 200 Developing Family Relationships (3)
ECE 202 Administration in Early Childhood (3)
ECE 205 Foundation of Education (3)
ECE 212 Children's Play and Games (3)
ECE 227 Early Childhood Education Internship (3)