two students walking outside a building on campus

African American and African Diaspora Studies (AD)

AD 199  Special Topics in African American and African Diaspora Studies  (3)  

Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in advance. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor

AD 200  Introduction to Critical Race & Ethnic Studies  (3)  

This course provides students with foundational knowledge of Critical Race Theory as a lens to understand race and ethnicity as socially, culturally, and historically constructed realities that sustain unequal distribution of political and socioeconomic power and inform constructions of identity and community. Students will gain skills to work toward an anti-racist and socially just society. Prerequisite: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Social Science
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

AD 299  Special Topics in African American and African Diaspora Studies  (3)  

Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in advance. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor

AD 395  Directed Study in African American and African Diaspora Studies  (1-3)  

Directed readings and individualized research program on a subject relevant to African American and African Diaspora Studies and with the guidance of a professor. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor and approval of the AAADS Director.

AD 397  Internship in AAADS  (1-3)  

A program for junior/senior–level undergraduates offered in cooperation with a local or state agency with the supervision of faculty and/or the AAADS Director. Prerequisite: Approval of the AAADS Director.

AD 399  Special Topics in African American and African Diaspora Studies  (3)  

Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in advance. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor