Washburn Tech

Grievance Procedure

A student who has an academic or non-academic concern or complaint needs to follow these steps to address and resolve the issue:

  1. The student shall first bring the issue informally to the attention of their program instructor within five business days after the concern was raised. Every effort must be made to resolve the concern at this level.
  2. If, after every effort has been made to resolve the concern with the instructor, the student is not satisfied, the student may present a written grievance to the Associate Dean of Student Life within 30 days after the incident/issue that raised concern. The Associate Dean of Student Life will investigate the matter and render their decision within ten business days after receiving the written grievance. A written notice of the decision will be emailed to the student.
  3. If the student wants to appeal the decision of the Associate Dean of Student Life, they must file a written appeal within five business days to the Dean of Washburn Tech. The Dean will render a decision on the grievance within five business days of the filing. A written notice of the decision will be emailed to the student.
  4. The decision of the Dean will be final.

Note: Health Occupations students with issues or concerns not resolved at the classroom level, will take those issues/concerns to the Assistant Dean of Health Occupations before coming to the Associate Dean of Student Life.

Note: If the appeal is regarding dismissal from a program, the student may remain in class during the appeal process unless the student poses a risk to self or others.*

* Specific Programs may have different requirements on the ability to remain in class. Please refer to your program handbook for guidance.