Washburn Tech

Prerequisite Courses

A prerequisite is generally a course or other requirement that a student must complete prior to enrolling in the next course within the program. Prerequisites are used at most educational levels to measure a student’s comprehension and preparedness in the discipline. The term “Gatekeeper” is sometimes used interchangeably with prerequisites; however, the term is more commonly used when referencing the successful completion of a developmental course prior to enrolling in the first non-developmental course that counts toward the degree program.

A student who fails a course prerequisite will need to complete the failed course before progressing to the next course in the program. The student can continue to take courses in the program only if:

  • the courses do not require the failed prerequisite,
  • the student receives approval from the failed course instructor, and
  • the student receives approval from the Associate Dean of Technical Instruction.

A student who is removed from the program may apply for re-entry in the program or a different program with a written request to the Assistant Dean of Instruction, a detailed justification for re-entry, and strategies and goals for success.