Washburn Tech

Washburn Tech Care Closet

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Washburn Tech Care Closet is to provide short-term emergency assistance to Washburn Tech students and/or staff who are in crisis situations, with the hope that students will be able to complete their training and that staff will resolve temporary emergencies so they can focus on carrying out their job responsibilities.

Belief Statements

Most people, at one time or another, need help. Crisis situations will be handled on an individual basis; confidentially will be strictly adhered to. The Washburn Tech Care Closet will not be able to help all individuals who request assistance. However, it will help as many individuals as expertise, funds and time will allow.

Guidelines for Providing Assistance

The Washburn Tech Care Closet has a limited budget. Funds devoted to one person must be limited. Ways in which the Washburn Institute of Technology Care Closet may be able to assist include, but are not limited to, food donations, transportation assistance, personal hygiene, counseling and referral to community agencies for additional services. Referrals for assistance may be made by students or staff to the Campus Advocate or Associate Dean of Student Life located on the Huntoon Campus, Suite AC117.