Washburn Tech

Assessment of Student Learning

The assessment of student learning is an integral part of the teaching and learning process and Washburn Tech strives to create a culture of assessment surrounding all the curricular and co- curricular activities in which students participate. Valid and reliable assessment is important for three reasons:

  • To improve student learning
  • To provide accountability to stakeholders, such as students, parents, legislators, accrediting agencies, and the public
  • To assist in the process of accreditation, both of Washburn Tech and of individual programs

In order to foster this culture of assessment, Washburn Tech has created an institution-wide assessment committee. The mission of the Washburn Tech Assessment Committee is to aid the Washburn Tech community’s assessment efforts to ensure that student learning is a responsibility shared by the entire community. The committee will support the collection, analysis and dissemination of the evidence of student learning to make certain that changes in student learning goals and outcomes are based on evidence. The mission of the Assessment Committee is to assist Washburn Tech in providing evidence that the mission of Washburn Tech delivers innovative educational and training opportunities for individuals to strengthen the communities we serve.

To help the Washburn Tech Assessment Committee satisfy its mission, the following are shared expectations:

  • Every program has student learning goals.
    • Each program outcome is measurable.
    • Evidence is consistently collected and accessible to appropriate constituents.
    • Evidence is regularly analyzed i.e. the program has an established schedule for review of evidence.
    • The program has an appropriate mechanism to institute changes which are suggested by the evidence.

Students share the responsibility for the evaluation of student learning by completing assessment activities which provide the data required for reliable analysis of the curricular activities.