Washburn Tech

Core Values

Core values guide decision making and provide the foundation for directing our efforts, resources, and conduct. In fulfilling the mission, the faculty, staff, administration, and students are committed to the following core values of Washburn Institute of Technology:

Creating positive IMPACTInclusion. Modernization. Partnership. Achievement. Community. Transformation.

  • Inclusion - Creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all learners, faculty, staff and visitors, regardless of their background or identity.
  • Modernization - Ensuring financial stability while developing new ideas, methods and technologies that improve teaching and learning, scholarship and the lives of others.
  • Partnership - Fostering collaboration among learners, faculty, staff and external partners to solve problems and achieve common goals.
  • Achievement - Demonstrating excellence by providing high-quality teaching and learning, conducting meaningful scholarship and producing graduates who are prepared to make a difference in the world.
  • Community - Becoming a valued community asset and an Employer of Choice.
  • Transformation - Helping learners to develop knowledge, skills and values.