Washburn Tech

Withdrawal and Refund Policy

A student who withdraws from a semester in which they are enrolled may be allowed a credit of the institution/supply tuition charge for that semester based on the published refund policy.

Withdrawals (Official)

An official withdrawal occurs when a student notifies the Student Services Office of their intent to withdraw. The official withdrawal date is the actual last date of attendance.

Administrative Withdrawal

Washburn Tech may elect to initiate an administrative withdrawal of a student from all courses for any of the following reasons:

  • Student fails to provide documentation required for full admission status.
  • Student fails to meet Washburn Tech’s standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Student is absent five consecutive days without notification. The last day of absence will be used as the withdrawal date.
  • Student fails to meet the attendance requirements for their program and/or course as outlined in their program handbook and/or course syllabus.
  • Student fails to attend the first two days of the semester and does not notify their instructor or the Student Services Office (program or course specific requirements may require 100% attendance; please adhere to program handbooks and/or course syllabus).

If an administrative withdrawal is initiated, written notification is sent to the student. Students have five business days to appeal an administrative withdrawal.

Students are not relieved of their financial obligations to Washburn Tech when an administrative withdrawal is processed.

All charges that are unpaid by students at the time of the administrative withdrawal are due upon notice of the withdrawal. Credits are applied, and, if applicable, refunds are issued in accordance with Washburn Tech's published refund policy.