two students walking outside a building on campus

English Literature and Film Criticism, BA

Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated below, students must complete 34-35 hours of General Education, all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree, and any additional hours needed to reach the 120 credit hours required for graduation.

In addition, all English (BA) majors must complete a complementary minor, certificate, or additional major; students must declare this with the department that grants it.

Required Courses Inside Department
EN 105Introduction to English Studies3
EN 301Literary Criticism &Theory3
EN 310English Grammar/Linguistics3
EN 400Senior Thesis (the capstone for literature majors)3
Literature Surveys - Select five of the following:15
British Literature
British Lit through 1785
British Literature since 1785
American Literature
American Literature through 1865
American Literature since 1865
World Literature
World Literature through 1650
World Literature since 1650
Tracks - Select One Option12
Option A - Literature Track
Choose three upper-division literature or film classes (9 credit hours) 1
Short Story
Modern Poetry
Modern Novel
Option B - Film Criticism Track
Choose three upper-division film classes (9 credit hours)
Introduction to Film Studies
Total Hours39

at least two must be literature