Washburn Tech

Continuing Education

Continuing Education coordinates and supports programs designed to increase student and community access to “learning for a lifetime.” These include training sessions for both on- and off-campus, summer sessions, professional development programs, and business and industry training.

Continuing Education courses are offered during days, evening and weekend hours. Students enrolling in these courses can continue their education, improve occupational knowledge and skills, study for personal enrichment, or pursue technical interests.

In addition to offering a broad range of courses which may lead to certificates, Washburn Institute of Technology recognizes the responsibility to develop other instructional programs in areas where community needs are identified and Washburn Institute of Technology has resources to respond to those needs including noncredit programs offered by Continuing Education.

Continuing Education course listings and schedules are available online at www.washburntech.edu/main/continuing- education/courses.html. The webpage is interactive and includes course descriptions and other information.

Continuing Education also offers custom training sessions to companies or groups requiring the same type of training. This training is often offered at a significant price saving to the individuals or companies.

Washburn Institute of Technology Continuing Education Department has partnered with Ed2Go Corporation for online training at an affordable price. If you would prefer to attend an online training session go to http://www.ed2go.com/washburn/  and make your selection.