two students walking outside a building on campus


Course Offerings

CN 101  Introduction to Communication Studies  (3)  

Examines concepts and skills involved in human communication. Topics include language, nonverbal communication, relationships, perception, and conflict management. Emphasizes the ability to analyze and synthesize information, and to interpret and assess human values. Prerequisite: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Communications
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Communication

CN 150  Public Speaking  (3)  

Focuses on the process of speech preparation and presentations. Emphasizes the development of critical thinking and listening, clear speaking, and the interpretation of human values through the development of public speaking competencies. Prerequisite: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Communications
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Communication

CN 151  Introduction to Interpersonal Communication  (3)  

This course introduces the basic principles of relationships in dyadic, group, and social mediated settings and the various opportunities for application within everyday life. This introductory course prepares students to reflect upon various types of relationships using a variety of lenses and perceptions. This course will also prepare students for advanced courses within and outside the discipline.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Communications
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

CN 154  Debate  (1-3)  

Preparation for intercollegiate debate. May be repeated up to 3 hours. Prerequisite: Consent.

CN 302  Communication Theory  (3)  

Explores the theoretical foundations that underlie applications in a variety of communication contexts. Provides broad exposure to contemporary communication theory. Prerequisite: CN 101.

CN 303  Research Methods  (3)  

This course will introduce a variety of ways of conducting research in the Communication Studies discipline that might include Interviews, Observation, Textual Analysis, Rhetorical Criticism, and/or Surveys. Prerequisites: CN 101 and CN 302 or special permission.

CN 304  Qualitative Communication Research Methods  (3)  

Presents fundamental types and steps of qualitative research in communication. Prerequisites: CN 101 and CN 302 or special permission.

CN 305  Quantitative Communication Research Methods  (3)  

Presents fundamental types and steps of quantitative research in communication. Prerequisites: CN 101 and CN 302 and MA 112 or higher, or special permission.

CN 306  Health Communication  (3)  

Explores the concepts and theories of health communication. Examines the demands of health care and health promotion, communication issues and problems in modern health care systems, and identifies communication strategies health care consumers and providers can employ to achieve their health care goals.

CN 307  Communication in Legal Process  (3)  

Explores the practice of communication in the legal setting, including attorney-client interaction, the trial process, attorney-jury interaction, and legal negotiation.

CN 308  Organizational Communication  (3)  

Examines organizations from a communication perspective. Emphasizes how organizational variables affect communication patterns. Topics include concepts, skills, theories, and strategies for improving organizational communication.

CN 309  Political Communication  (3)  

Examines communication concepts in campaigns, presidential addresses, and other political environments.

CN 330  Communication in Conflict and Negotiation  (3)  

Explores the roles of communication in conflict and negotiation within relationships, groups, and organizations. Examines both theory and practice.

CN 340  Interviewing  (3)  

Examines the key concepts and needed skills to conduct effective interviews in many settings.

CN 341  Persuasive Speaking  (3)  

Sharpens persuasive speaking skills initiated in Public Speaking. Focuses on preparation, delivery, and analysis of persuasive speeches in a variety of contexts, including political and corporate settings. Prerequisite: CN 150.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Communication

CN 342  Communication-Teams and Groups  (3)  

Provides an in-depth look at group dynamics and communication. Focuses on communication and decision making, relationships, conflict, leadership, and group development.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Communication

CN 343  Debate  (1-3)  

Preparation for intercollegiate debate. May be repeated up to 4 hours. Prerequisite: Consent

CN 344  Oral Interpretation  (3)  

This course will introduce students to the skills and techniques involved in creating and evaluating acts of oral interpretation. Particular attention will be paid to those events and acts common to the forensic arts.

CN 350  Persuasion  (3)  

Examines theory and research on the role of communication in influencing attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors.

CN 351  Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication  (3)  

Examines critical factors in interpersonal communication. Analyzes and applies various interpersonal theories and concepts to a variety of relationships.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Communications
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

CN 352  Truth and Deception  (3)  

This course examines a particularly human activity (or skill?): Lying and deception. Study of these topics draws from recent scholarship in the disciplines of Communication Studies, Psychology, Philosophy, Public Policy, and Marketing. Theoretical concepts will be brought down to earth as we consider them at work in applications to current events and breaking news.

CN 353  Environmental Communication  (3)  

This course looks at ways human symbols define, construct, and impact "the environment." Focuses include understanding and creating environmental messages, examining constructs of wilderness and civilization, and analyzing strategies designed to meet environmental challenges, to build communication campaigns, and to engage in environmental advocacy. Topics include eco-tourism, "green" schemes, and representations in social and mass media, visual media, and popular culture.

CN 354  Reputation Management  (3)  

This course examines the role strategic communication with publics plays within corporate and institutional settings, specifically its effectiveness in developing and maintaining external and internal relationships. Methods combine close reading, current event applications, case analyses and focused discussion. Special attention is paid to strategies of crisis planning and management, apologia, and rhetorical reputation management techniques.

CN 359  Methods of Teaching Speech and Drama  (3)  

The study and application of teaching strategies for secondary education certification in speech. Prerequisites: Advisor approval and formal admission to teacher education.

CN 361  Communication in Social Movements  (3)  

Assesses theories, models, practice, and criticism of protest communication related to a variety of sociocultural movements.

CN 362  Sexual Communication  (3)  

This course is designed to provide you with more advanced theory and practice in the study of sexual communication.

CN 363  Intercultural Communication  (3)  

Explores speech communication in and between different cultures and communities.

CN 364  Gender Communication  (3)  

Focuses on how gender influences communication patterns between and among men and women. Communication influences the creation of gender roles and identity.

CN 365  Business/Professional Presentation  (3)  

Focuses on principles and practices of public speaking in corporate and professional settings such as reports, proposals, and meetings. Emphasizes clear speaking and information processing in terms of synthesis and analysis.

CN 366  Nonverbal Communication  (3)  

Explores nonverbal communication by individuals and society.

CN 367  Crisis Communication  (3)  

Crises are best managed through sound communication practices. This class will help you to develop understanding of the crisis life-cycle, along with effective strategies you can use to foresee, prepare for, and manage crises in professional and personal dimensions of life.

CN 368  The Rhetoric of Hip Hop and Rock n Roll  (3)  

This course explores the rhetorical dimensions of rock ‘n’ roll and hip hop by examining four interconnected themes and their relation to communication: fandom, stardom, criticism, and failure. In addition, concepts such as identity, anti-heroism, appropriation, place, production, improvisation, tone, and flow are explored and discussed. With the benefit of open access content as well as short readings, we will focus on some of the key figures in rock 'n' roll and hip hop (e.g., AC/DC, Jimi Hendrix, Beyoncé, Drake, Kendrick Lamar) along with their motivations and messages.

CN 369  Critical Studies  (3)  

Examines cultural practices and their relation to communication as both the object of study and the location of political criticism and action.

CN 370  Communication Training & Development  (3)  

Emphasizes the theory and practice of training and development in organizations. Prerequisites: CN 150 and CN 308, or with consent of instructor.

CN 380  Strategic Management Communication  (3)  

Strategic Management Communication links current theories of business communication to applications and practices that build on these within professional settings. The course provides essential information as to expectations for form and content of a variety of message types that apply to all business situations. Using the case method as a tactic for understanding applications of this material in current business settings, students develop theory-based and strategy-driven skills in production of written and oral document types used in business, corporate, and management communication. Prerequisites: CN 101 required; preferred CN 308 Organizational Communication.

CN 395  Special Topics/Communication  (1-3)  

Focuses on a topic not regularly offered, but that enhances the curriculum because of specialized faculty or student interest.

CN 490  Directed Research  (1-3)  

Selected research on communication topics not provided in the curriculum.

CN 491  Senior Capstone Internship  (3)  

Experience and training in professional settings related to communication careers. Second semester junior or senior status. Majors only. Prerequisites: 27 hrs of communication courses completed including: CN 101, CN 150, CN 302, CN 304 or CN 305, EN 300, and instructor approval. Note: Students can choose either CN 491 or CN 498 to meet their Capstone requirement.

CN 498  Senior Capstone  (3)  

Students design and execute an appropriate project which provides a culminating experience for the undergraduate academic career and is presented in a departmental forum. Prerequisites: 27 hrs of communication courses completed, including CN 101, CN 150, CN 302, CN 304 or CN 305, EN 300 and Instructor approval. Note: Students can choose either CN 498 or CN 491 to meet their Capstone requirement.