two students walking outside a building on campus

BCJ - Forensic Investigation Sciences Emphasis

This degree is designed to provide a pathway for students in the program to gain forensic investigation experience, building and improving practical and professional skills needed to enter careers in the forensic investigation field, while also gaining a strong skillset in the laboratory setting. The program allows students to build a base of knowledge with natural science lab courses as well as other STEM areas. The curriculum requirements for this degree comply with the requirements for accreditation under the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC), and with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s OSAC Standards (the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science) in mind. The curriculum of this program prepares students to be highly marketable and successful in the forensic investigation field.   

Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated below, students must complete 34-35 hours of General Education and any additional hours needed to reach the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation.  Some of the courses below may also fulfill general education or other degree requirements.

Required Courses Inside Department 1
CJ 100Crime & Justice in America3
CJ 220Criminal Justice Communications3
CJ 303Diversity in American Culture3
CJ 325Applied Criminology3
CJ 400Criminal Justice Research Methods3
CJ 401Criminal Justice Ethics3
CJ 410Criminal Procedure and Evidence3
CJ 455Criminal Justice Administration3
CJ 484Internship in Criminal Justice3
or CJ 486 Seminar in Criminal Justice
CJ 485Internship in Criminal Justice3
LG 345Criminal Law3
15 Hours of Forensic Investigation Electives, selected from:15
Firearms and Tool Mark Examination
Introduction to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Fire Investigation and Prevention
Intro to Forensic Photography
Intro to Fingerprint
Fingerprint Development Lab
Intro to 3-D Scanner
Footwear and Tire Tracks
Digital Enhancement
Shooting Incident Reconstruction
Special Topics
Required Courses for Forensic Investigation Sciences Emphasis 1
CJ 115Introduction to Forensic Investigations3
CJ 116Applied Intro to Forensic Investigations - Lab3
CJ 435Death Investigations3
CJ 415Advanced Forensic Investigations3
CJ 416Forensic Applied Science Laboratory3
AND 3 hours from the following courses:3
Intro to Forensic Photography
Intro to Fingerprint
Intro to 3-D Scanner
Required Courses Outside Department
BI 100Human Biology3
BI 101Human Biology Laboratory2
BI 140Introduction to Forensic Biology3
BI 275Human Anatomy4
CH 111Chemistry in Everyday Life5
CH 103Introduction to Forensic Chemistry3
PS 108Physical Science3
MA 140Statistics3
Total Hours92

Students majoring in Criminal Justice must earn a grade of “C” or better in all required criminal justice courses for credit.