two students walking outside a building on campus

Psychology, BA

Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated below, students must complete 34-35 hours of General Education, all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree, and any additional hours needed to reach the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation. Some of the courses below may also fulfill general education or other degree requirements.  Please see your advisor for more information.

Required Courses Inside Department 1
PY 100Basic Concepts in Psychology3
PY 151Psychological Statistics3
PY 231Abnormal Psychology3
PY 251Research Methods in Psychology3
PY 299Psychological Forum1
Select at least one course from the following:3
Psychological Development through the Life-Span
Psychology of Infancy and Childhood
Adolescent Psychology
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
PY 301Principles of Learning3
or PY 306 Cognition
PY 307Physiological Psychology3
or PY 326 Health Psychology
PY 310Social Psychology3
or PY 311 Multicultural Psychology
PY 3XX Psychology Upper Division Courses 26
Required Capstone Course (select 3 hours from the following): 33
From Classroom to Career
History and Systems of Psychology
Independent Study
Directed Research 4
Total Hours34

Students must complete a minimum of 34 graded hours in psychology, earning a grade of C or better in each course. Some courses which meet psychology major requirements are not offered each semester, so students should always consult a Psychology faculty advisor when planning their course schedule. At least 9 hours (including 6 upper division hours) must be taken at Washburn.


These six hours must be in addition to the required Capstone course, and other required upper division courses.


Students should work closely with an advisor to plan the required Capstone Experience. The Capstone Experience should be taken during the junior or senior year. 


PY 386 is a required prerequisite.