two students walking outside a building on campus

Philosophy, BA

Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated below, students must complete 34-35 hours of General Education, all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree, and any additional hours needed to reach the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation. Some of the courses below may also fulfill general education or other degree requirements.  Please see your advisor for more information.

In addition, all Philosophy majors must declare and then meet the requirements for a minor, a second major, or a certificate in order to graduate.

Required Courses Inside Department
PH 201Corrupting the Youth: Ancient Greek Philosophy3
PH 220Symbolic Logic3
or PH 104 Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking
PH 301I think therefore I am? Modern Philosophy 1600-18003
PH 303Topics-History of Philosophy3
Select either Philosophy Track or Philosophy Honors Track9
Philosophy Track
Senior Capstone for Majors (3 hrs)
AND Philosophy Elective credit (6 hrs) 1
Philosophy Honors Track
Senior Philosophy Honors Thesis Preparation
and Senior Philosophy Honors Thesis (6 hrs total for both classes)
AND Philosophy Elective credit (3 hrs) 1
Value Theory - Select at least two of the following:6
General Topics in Philosophy 2
Introduction to Ethical Theory
Medical Ethics
General Topics in Philosophy 2
Issues in Ethical Theory
Social-Political Philosophy
Professional Ethics
Philosophy of Law
Ethics of Genetic Technologies
Midwestern Environmental Ethics
Special Studies 2
Metaphysics and Epistemology - Select at least two of the following:6
General Topics in Philosophy 2
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
Existence of God
General Topics in Philosophy 2
Philosophy of Religion
Advanced Logic
Philosophy of Race
Philosophy of Mathematics
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Mind
Special Studies 2
Total Hours33

- Philosophy Honors Track students will complete 3 hours of electives; Philosophy Track students will complete 6 hours of electives.

- A 100-level course may count toward this elective credit, but only with the permission of the Chair.

- PH 104 cannot count toward this elective credit for any students, whether they are honors students or non-honors students.

- At least 21 hours of the 33 must be at the 300 level.


If course material is appropriate (Chair’s discretion).