two students walking outside a building on campus

Mathematics, BA-BS

Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated below, students must complete 34-35 hours of General Education, all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, and any additional hours needed to reach the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation. Some of the courses below may also fulfill general education or other degree requirements.  Please see your advisor for more information.

Required Courses Inside Department
MA 151Calculus & Analytic Geometry I5
MA 152Calculus & Analytic Geometry II5
MA 253Calculus/Analytic Geometry III3
MA 260Introduction to Number Theory3
MA 301Linear Algebra3
MA 307Discrete Mathematics3
Select one of the following:3
ANOVA/Design of Experiments
Nonparametric Tests/Quality Control
Regression Analysis
MA 344Mathematical Statistics I3
MA 354Abstract Algebra3
MA 371Introduction to Real Analysis I3
MA 372Introduction to Real Analysis II3
MA 380Problem Solving Strategies 12
MA 388Capstone Research1
PH 220Symbolic Logic3
Required Courses Outside Department
Select one of the following sequences:12-13
Sequence 1 (This puts student on track to obtain a Physics Minor)
General Physics I
College Physics I
General Physics II
College Physics II
3 credit hours of 300-level Physics courses
Sequence 2 (This puts students on track to obtain a Computer Information Science Minor)
Introduction to Structured Programming
Contemporary Programming Methods
Data Structures & Algorithmic Analysis
Data Mining
Sequence 3 (This puts student on a track to obtain a Computer Information Digital Forensics Minor)
Introduction to Structured Programming
Digital Forensics I
Contemporary Programming Methods
Digital Forensics II
Sequence 4 (This puts students on track to obtain an Economics Minor)
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
6 credit hours of 300-level Economics courses
Sequence 5 (This puts student on track to obtain a Business Data Analytics Minor)
Statistics for Business and Economics
Foundations of Data Analysis
Management Information Systems
Data Discovery and Management
Sequence 6 (This puts student on a track to obtain a Game Design Minor)
Principles of Microeconomics
Business Plan Development
Game Theory and Applications
Special Topics/Computer Information Science (Game Programming)
Total Hours55-56

MA 380 is a 1 credit course that must be taken at least twice.