two students walking outside a building on campus

Health and Fitness Promotion, BA

Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated below, students must complete 34-35 hours of General Education, all requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree, and any additional hours needed to reach the minimum 120 credit hours required for graduation. Some of the courses below may also fulfill general education or other degree requirements.  Please see your advisor for more information.

Required Courses Inside Department
KN 248Wellness Concepts and Applications3
KN 250Introduction to Kinesiology2
KN 257Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries3
KN 266Microcomputer Applications to Kinesiology2
KN 300Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity3
or KN 318 Exercise Psychology
KN 306Organization and Administration in Kinesiology3
or KN 330 Administration of Exercise and Rehabilitation Science
KN 308Nutrition for Sports & Fitness3
KN 321Anatomical Kinesiology3
KN 326Physiology of Exercise3
KN 342Physical Education Activity Techniques II2
HL 377Critical Issues in Health3
KN 410Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription3
Kinesiology Electives (select two courses from the following)4
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Sports Performance Training and Conditioning
Current Literature in Kinesiology
Other KN course 300 level or above
KN 498Internship: Health and Fitness Promotion (150-300 contact hours)3
Required Courses Outside Department
BI 100
BI 101
Human Biology
and Human Biology Laboratory
or BI 192 General Cellular Biology
BI 250Introduction to Human Anatomy3-4
or BI 275 Human Anatomy
BI 255Human Physiology4
PY 100Basic Concepts in Psychology3
PY 326Health Psychology3
Select two courses from the following6
Human Disease
Health Communication
Mental Health and Aging
Music and the Brain
Sociology of Sport
Non-Kinesiology Electives 116
Total Hours80-81

Course selection should be discussed with advisor. At least 3 credit hours must be upper division.