two students walking outside a building on campus

Women's and Gender Studies, Minor


Contact:  Dr. Jim Schnoebelen, or


The Washburn University Women’s and Gender Studies Minor is an interdisciplinary program devoted to encouraging research on women and gender, sponsoring events focused on issues relevant to women and gender, and promoting outreach across the campus and to the larger community. Women’s and Gender Studies explores the connections between race and ethnicity, class, sexual identity and gender as they impact the lived experience in a variety of cultural contexts. Courses critically examine the social, historical, psychological, literary, artistic, philosophic, and biological roles of women and gender while seeking to provide a fuller understanding of the multidimensional nature of personhood. Emphasizing the connections between theory and practice, Women’s and Gender Studies encourages applied learning through internships, community involvement projects, research, and service learning courses.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Women’s and Gender Studies minor students will be able to:

  • Critically analyze the basic components that distinguish feminist methodologies from other approaches of inquiry.
  • Describe the multiple ways in which gender is intersected by other social relations such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, class, and nation.
  • Apply feminist methodology to course subject matter, demonstrating in-depth knowledge of one aspect of women’s experience learned through (for example) a literary genre, a time period, a geographic region, or focus on a very narrow topic.

Study Plan

To obtain the Optional Minor in Women’s & Gender Studies, a student must complete at least 18 hours of designated Women’s & Gender Studies course work, with at least 6 of the hours at the upper division level. These courses should include WG 175 Introduction to Women's Studies and WG 400 Women's/Gender Study Capstone. The minor will be supervised by a Women’s & Gender Studies Advisory Committee member. Students may complete the minor in two ways. They may (a) submit a study plan consisting of coursework formally identified as counting towards the WGSM or (b) they may develop a study plan to request alternate coursework be accepted toward the minor. The minor plans will be reviewed to ensure the program learning outcomes are met. Students wishing to complete the minor must submit their study plan for approval before completing coursework in the minor.

Minor Requirements

WG 175Introduction to Women's Studies3
WG 400Women's/Gender Study Capstone3
Courses which may be applied to the minor include:
Select 12 credit hours from the following: 12
Anthropology of Women
Women & Literature
Women in US History
Women in World History
Women and Popular Culture
Special Topics
Psychology of Sex and Gender
Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
Special Topics
Special Topics
Independent Study
Pertinent Special Topics courses 1
Total Hours18

Such as Women & Gender in Early America, Feminist Theories, etc. Approval required.

Course Offerings

WG 175  Introduction to Women's Studies  (3)  

Introduces the principal history, methods, issues and debates in Women's Studies utilizing an interdisciplinary approach. Through a broad range of issues confronting women, the course examines both historical and contemporary ideas, institutions, and constraints that shape women's lives. Attention will be focused on differences among women as well as the potential for women's unity and empowerment. Prerequisite: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

WG 199  Special Topics  (0-3)  

Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in advance. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Varies by course and instructor.

WG 375  Women and Popular Culture  (3)  

This course explores the ways women are depicted in popular culture and how these integrated patterns and beliefs are transmitted to succeeding generations. We will identify how these images influence basic assumptions about societal roles and expectations of women and, therefore, female development. This examination of popular culture genres reveals the influence of pop culture and its impact on stereotypes, personal and professional relationships. Through readings, text analysis, discussion and research-oriented writing assignments, the course will engage interdisciplinary methods to examine gender and popular culture. Students will learn to analyze and critique the narratives that shape their own perceptions of gender, sex and identity, and formulate a personal response to gender identity. Prerequisite: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

WG 390  Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery  (3)  

An advanced undergraduate course that focuses on contemporary human trafficking and slavery. Types of trafficking and slavery to be covered include sex trafficking, bonded labor, forced labor, child soldiers, chattel slavery, and domestic servant slavery. The contributing roles of the state, organized crime, the media, culture, and corruption will be examined. Debates about defining trafficking and the connection between sex trafficking and prostitution will be reviewed. Course materials may include testimonies and autobiographies by survivors, research reports, theoretical essays, policy statements, expert testimonies, podcasts and videos. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of the instructor.

WG 395  Independent Study  (0-3)  

This course allows the student to pursue individualized scholarship with guidance from a professor. The format may vary in terms of the student's special interests, abilities, imagination, and creativity. May consist of a research paper, a comprehensive written examination on selected reading materials, an oral presentation, or a special performance utilizing one or more art forms or modes of expression. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

WG 399  Special Topics  (0-3)  

Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in advance. May be taken for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Varies by course and instructor.

WG 400  Women's/Gender Study Capstone  (3)  

The capstone is a required course that gives students a forum to synthesize and apply theories, methods and concepts that they have learned throughout their minor in Women and Gender Studies. Individualized advanced projects focused on women, gender and/or sexuality are designed in collaboration between the student and their WG adviser and can include a research paper, an internship, service learning or activist project. Prerequisite: Junior standing.