two students walking outside a building on campus

Technical Communication, Certificate

This certificate will support any student wishing to gain practice and credentials in technical communication (both writing and speaking), including the writing of texts to document processes (e.g., manuals or instructional materials), provide instructions or explanations, or share technical information, as well as grant writing, and technical presentations. This certificate is especially appropriate for majors in the natural sciences, social sciences, computer science, healthcare fields, English, mass media, and communication studies. This certificate will document to future employers that writing and presentation skills cover a wide range of styles and approaches in the technical arena.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Select and use appropriate processes (e.g. research, brainstorming, collaboration, revision, editing, formatting) to develop texts and presentations about technical information.
  • Clearly communicate complex information in a variety of presentation formats and modalities.
  • Create technical texts and presentations by successfully utilizing the appropriate syntax, structure, formatting, and presentation based upon the context and audience.

This certificate requires a minimum of 12 credit hours, including 6 credit hours in two required classes and 6 credit hours to be taken from approved courses from two different distribution areas (1) oral communication; and (2) specialized communication. Students must have a grade of “C” or better in each course. A minimum of six hours used to meet the certificate requirements must be earned in residence at Washburn University. Students may request alternate coursework be accepted toward the certificate. Students should make these requests prior to completing coursework.

Required Courses
EN 208Professional Writing3
EN 308Scientific and Technical Writing3
Oral Communication Courses
Select at least once course from the following:3
Public Speaking
Health Communication
Persuasive Speaking
Environmental Communication
Specialized Communication Courses
Select at least one course from the following:3
Beginning Nonfiction Writing
Theories of Persuasive Writing
Professional Media Applications
Professional Media Writing
Advanced Professional Media Applications
Advanced Professional Media Writing
Topics: Public Administration (Section Name: Grant Writing)
Total Hours12