two students walking outside a building on campus

Storytelling and Narrative Arts, Minor

A minor in Storytelling & Narrative Arts provides expanded academic opportunities and learning in English, Mass Media, Modern Languages, Theatre, Sociology or Anthropology. The minor is designed to expose students to a variety of foundational skills and knowledge that can be used towards further academic study and a variety of careers. Through this minor, students will develop a deeper understanding of communication, collaboration, and performance.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Storytelling & Narrative Arts minor, students will be able to:

  • Communicate important ideas through various narrative structures and multimedia modes.
  • Solve problems creatively using different methods (written, verbal, multimedia) and in a collaborative manner. 

To obtain the optional minor in Storytelling & Narrative Arts, a student must complete at least 15 hours of course work, with at least 6 of those hours at the upper-division level, selected from the list below with guidance from an academic advisor. Students not majoring in English, Mass Media, Modern Languages, Theatre, Sociology or Anthropology must choose at least one course from three of the five disciplines represented. English, Mass Media, Modern Languages, Theatre or Sociology or Anthropology majors wanting to pursue the minor must choose at least 12 hours from two other disciplines. Students may request alternate coursework be accepted toward the minor. Students should make these requests prior to completing coursework.

English Courses
EN 135Introduction to Literature3
EN 138Kansas Literature3
EN 177Science Fiction3
EN 178Fantasy3
EN 190Film Appreciation3
EN 192Literature & Film3
EN 207Beginning Nonfiction Writing3
EN 209Beginning Fiction Writing3
EN 210Mythologies in Literature3
EN 212Sexuality & Literature3
EN 214Women & Literature3
EN 305Advanced Fiction Writing3
EN 307Advanced Nonfiction Writing3
EN 315Reading as Writers3
EN 325British Lit through 17853
EN 326British Literature since 17853
EN 330American Literature through 18653
EN 331American Literature since 18653
EN 360World Literature through 16503
EN 361World Literature since 16503
EN 375Contemporary Literature3
EN 390Aspects of Film2-3
EN 399Special Topics - Writing/Reading (when the topic involves storytelling or narrative arts)1-3
EN 402Internship1-3
Mass Media Courses
MM 199Professional Media Applications3
MM 222Screenwriting3
MM 303Video Game Storytelling3
MM 308Intro Film & Video Techniques3
MM 312Cinematography3
MM 372Film Production3
MM 405Documentary Filmmaking3
MM 414Advanced Film Production3
MM 416Digital and Social Content Strategies3
MM 433Film Festival Management3
MM 493Special Topics/Mass Media (when the topic involves storytelling or narrative arts)1-3
MM 494Internship1-2
Theatre Courses
TH 103Voice, Diction & Interpretation3
TH 202Acting I3
TH 208Principles of Playwriting3
TH 211Stagecraft3
TH 300Theatre Practicum1
TH 306Contemporary Theatre3
TH 308Principles of Playwriting3
TH 311Stagecraft3
TH 320Acting II3
TH 399Special Topics/Theatre (when the topic involves storytelling or narrative arts)0-3
TH 401Analysis and Directing3
TH 415Experimental Theatre3
Modern Languages Courses
FR 308French Literature in Translation (in English)3
FR 309French Fiction and Films (in English)3
FR 331Introduction to French Literature (in French)3
FR 351French and Francophone Literature (in French)3
SP 240Spanish for Heritage Speakers (in both English and Spanish)3
SP 308Hispanic Narrative in Translation (in English)3
SP 331Introduction to Hispanic Literature (in Spanish)3
SP 351Spanish Literature (in Spanish)3
SP 371Latin American Literature (in Spanish)3
SP 380Hispanic Culture thru Film (in Spanish)3
Sociology and Anthropology Courses
AN 317Peoples and Cultures of Africa3
AN 322Visual Anthropology3
SO 316Japan and East Asia3