two students walking outside a building on campus

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Each candidate is required to complete the following:

  • A minimum of 120 hours, 84 of which must be graded and 45 of which must be at the 300-400 level.
  • A major consisting of at least 30 hours, and no more than 48 in one department, of which 12 must be at the upper division level.
  • A 30 hour concentration chosen from the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division in departments other than the major, and with at least 15 of these hours in one department. The 30 hours must be approved by the student’s major department chairperson.
  • Seventy-two hours outside the major discipline, 30 of which must be allocated to the required concentration.
  • All general education requirements.
  • WU 101 The Washburn Experience.
  • An upper-division English composition course (EN 300, EN 308, or EN 312).
  • A minimum of 99 semester hours of credit in courses that either are offered in the College of Arts and Sciences or would normally be taught by a discipline in a college of arts and sciences.
  • Candidates must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 and a grade of C or better in each course in the major, required courses, and the English, math, and communication studies general education courses. A double major may be completed within the 120 hour total by meeting all the requirements of the two majors. Students may also elect a minor or certificate. See the Student Services and Academic Support section of the catalog concerning hours transferred to Washburn University.

In addition to offering the traditional Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics or Mathematics, Washburn University offers a 3-2 engineering program in cooperation with Kansas State University and the University of Kansas. Under this program a typical student will take three years of prescribed curriculum at Washburn and then transfer to Kansas State University or the University of Kansas. Upon completion of one year of prescribed work at either of the institutions named, the student will be awarded the Bachelor of Science degree from Washburn, and upon completion of the requirements of the selected school, the appropriate engineering degree will be awarded by that school. Bachelor of Science candidates should meet with the chairperson of their major department no later than their third semester to complete a declaration of major form.