two students walking outside a building on campus


Course Offerings

AR 101  Survey of Art History, Prehistoric to Medieval  (3)  

A survey of major monuments and movements in the history of art from Paleolithic through Medieval times.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 102  Survey of Art History, Renaissance to Contemporary  (3)  

Major monuments and movements in Western Art from the Proto-Renaissance through the arts of today.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 103  Introduction to Art  (3)  

The major principles and ideas of art, with emphasis on different purposes art has served in both Western and non-Western cultures. This course is for non-art majors.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

AR 120  2D Design  (3)  

An exploration of the fundamentals of visual communication. Students will become familiar with the elements of design and organizational principles. Using traditional and digital media, studio assignments will encourage creative thinking, synthesis and analysis, and problem solving. Prerequisites: none.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Communication

AR 121  3D Design  (3)  

An expanded investigation of the basic design principles with an emphasis on idea generation and creative translation. Students will learn how to think critically about visual art, problem solve, and consider a broad range of contemporary and historical approaches. Prerequisite: AR 120.

AR 140  Drawing I  (3)  

Basic principles of drawing and design. This course is fundamental to all studio courses and should be taken in the freshman year.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 141  Drawing II  (3)  

A continuation of Drawing I. Prerequisite: AR 140 or equivalent.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 219  Introduction to Printmaking  (3)  

Drawing and cutting upon the blocks (plywood, linoleum, and masonite), assemblage will be explored for form and texture. Initial prints will be considered temporary evidence of how marks or forms work toward a completed work. Prerequisites: AR 120 and AR 140.

AR 220  Photography I  (3)  

Lecture and studio. History of the development of the Photographic process, equipment and material. Darkroom procedures with an emphasis on composition and design in the black and white print.

AR 222  Video Game Design  (3)  

This course introduces the making and creating of 2D/3D video games. Students learn to create a fully interactive video game. This hands-on course focuses on design, aesthetics and interactivity of the video game. Prerequisite: CM 101, AR 131, or equivalent computer competency.

AR 223  Graphic Design I  (3)  

Introduction to graphic design through formal and theoretical context. Focus is on development of technical skills and design concepts for print production. Prerequisite: AR 120.

AR 226  Video Editing: FinalCut Pro  (3)  

Fundamentals of digital video, including lighting, sound composition and editing are taught with the aim of creating time-based art forms. Aesthetic issues evident in video design and editing structure will be examined through viewing, discussion and critique. Software: FinalCut Pro. Prerequisite: AR 120 or MM 100.

AR 231  Basic Multimedia  (3)  

Introduction to the use of social media to share creative artwork, including video and animations. This course covers video capture with simple video cameras or smart phones, movie editing, and posting work to the Internet. It will include basic animation, sound and interactivity. Students must provide their own phone or other video capture device. Prerequisite: None.

AR 240  Painting I  (3)  

Introduction to oil or acrylic painting techniques. Emphasis is placed on color theory and effects. Subject matter includes still life, landscape, figure drawing and abstraction. Prerequisite: AR 141.

AR 260  Ceramics I  (3)  

Introduction to ceramics as creative media for utilitarian and expressive purposes. Course content includes forming techniques, the nature of clay and glazes, firing principles and ceramic history. Creative Thinking will be practiced and assessed as part of the ceramic process. Prerequisite: None.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 262  Sculpture I  (3)  

Introduction to modeling, casting, carving, and construction as basic methods of executing 3-dimensional form. Prerequisite: AR 121.

AR 265  Kiln-formed Glass & Mosaics  (3)  

Applied design work utilizing glass techniques of cutting, grinding, fusing, and slumping.

AR 291  Art Therapy  (3)  

Practice of Art Therapy as a treatment and diagnostic tool in the psychiatric setting. Visiting lecturers and field experience will be included. Prerequisite: PY 100.

AR 299  Special Topics in Art  (1-3)  

Special media or content offerings not covered in other art courses. May be repeated with different topics. Prerequisites as specified for each offering.

AR 300  Art Theory Past and Present  (3)  

This class will examine approaches to art and art history from mimesis to the competing theoretical approaches used today. Methods employed by critics, historians, sociologists, and others will be studied as constructions that reflect the sociopolitical circumstances of their authors and audience. Prerequisite: AR 101 and AR 102.

AR 301  Ancient Art  (3)  

The arts of the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Aegean, Greece, and Rome.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 303  Medieval/Renaissance Art History  (3)  

Study of the diverse cultural expressions found in art and architecture from the early Medieval to the Renaissance period. Although Western in focus, non-Western influences and exchange will be considered throughout. Prerequisite: AR 101, AR 102, AR 103 or junior standing
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

AR 306  Development of Modern Art  (3)  

Survey of the broad trends in art and architecture from 17th - 20th century. Course material will be examined through visual and historical analysis, emphasizing the sociopolitical, religious, and cultural shifts for each period. Prerequisite: AR 101, AR 102 or AR 103; or junior standing
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 307  Twentieth Century Art  (3)  

Examination of the response of the visual art world to historical, cultural and political changes of the twentieth century. Modernist movements, performance, installation, and the effects of gloablism will be considered through visual and historical analysis. Prerequistie: AR 101 or AR 102 or AR 103; or junior standing.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Critical and Creative Thinking

AR 309  Art of Africa  (3)  

A historical survey of the major arts produced by African cultures.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

AR 310  Art of Asia  (3)  

A survey of the major traditions of art in Asia from Neolithic times through the 19th century.
Course Attributes:
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Arts and Humanities
  • Gen Ed AY 2024-2025: Inclusion and Belonging
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Creative Performing
  • Gen Ed Pre-AY 2024-2025: Humanities
  • USLO: Global Citizenship, Ethics and Diversity

AR 311  Art of the Americas  (3)  

An overview of the visual arts traditions of the ancient and contemporary cultures of the indigenous peoples of North, Central and South America.

AR 312  Research in Art History  (3)  

Library and Archival research and writing on specific research topics in the History of Art. Prerequisite: Major/minor in Art History or consent.

AR 313  Museum Studies  (3)  

Study of the history, organization and practices of museums as well as art materials, conservation and archival methods. Prerequisites: AR 101 or AR 102.

AR 315  History Of Photography  (3)  

History of photography as related to the visual arts, including technical innovations, major photographers and aesthetic philosophies. Prerequisites: AR 101 or AR 102 or AR 103 or consent.

AR 317  Art Theory in Practice  (3)  

This course is equal parts art history, theory and studio. Includes exploration of contemporary artists, practices, new audiences and markets with an emphasis on studio experimentation and production. Prerequisites: None

AR 318  Typography  (3)  

Introduction to the fundamentals of typography and design, including the use of type to solve visual problems. Topics include: anatomy, legibility, hierarchy, and verbal/visual relationships. Prerequisites: AR 223

AR 319  Etching  (3)  

An exploratory course in etching. Emphasis will be placed on black and white techniques, including intaglio, drypoint, and aquatint. Prerequisite: AR 219.

AR 320  Photography II  (3)  

Course focuses on developing technical proficiency in photography. Students will work primarily with fiber-based paper. Emphasis is placed upon exploration and expansion of traditional photographic values. Prerequisite: AR 220 or consent.

AR 321  Photoshop Imaging  (3)  

An intermediate course in creative Photoshop software techniques. Students execute assignments such as photo coloring, restoration and retouching, print design, and collage. Prerequisites: AR 120 and AR 131 and AR 223.

AR 322  Graphic Design II  (3)  

Advanced graphic design course building on concepts learned in Graphic Design I. Emphasis is on systems of design with a focus on branding, packaging, and information design. Prerequisites: AR 120 and AR 131 and AR 223.

AR 323  Silkscreen  (3)  

An introductory course in silkscreen printing. Sequential thinking for the production of prints plus application of color theories is investigated. Emphasis will be placed on traditional photographic and inventive applicators of silkscreen techniques for the production of personal images. Prerequisite: AR 219.

AR 324  Lithography  (3)  

An introductory course for lithography. The printing process of stone and plate lithography is explored with emphasis on imagery and the aesthetics of the fine print. Prerequisites: AR 140, AR 141, AR 219.

AR 325  Photoshop Imaging II  (3)  

An advanced course in photoshop software techniques focusing on aesthetics and critical issues. Students produce assignments with an emphasis on photo composites for illustration, printing, and fine art. Prerequisite: AR 321.

AR 326  2D & 3D Digital Animation  (3)  

Through the use of 3D animation software and Adobe Premier, students will create computer graphics and animations. Also includes digital video and sound. Software: Lightwave 3D, Final-Cut Pro. Prerequisite: AR 223.

AR 332  Advanced Photo Techniques I  (3)  

Course focuses on developing technical proficiency in use of different format cameras and large size printing. Students explore aspects of photography such as cibachrome, Polaroid transfer and emulsion lifts, or mural printing. Prerequisite: AR 220.

AR 333  Digital Painting and Drawing  (3)  

This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills necessary to create digital paintings and drawings using a range of visual art media related to digital processes, including AR/VR and 3D virtual painting. Emphasis of the course is focused on the student. Prerequisites: AR 120 or AR 140.

AR 336  Video Editing and FX  (3)  

This course covers video editing techniques using Final Cut Pro, Motion, Soundtrac Pro and Live Type software. The course introduces various aspects of digital editing related to special effect, motion graphics, visual and special effects using text. The course covers the basics of sound, camera and editing for special effects in film, the use of green screen, composite effects and integration of computer graphics to digital film. Prerequisite: AR 131 or MM 210.

AR 340  Advanced Oil Painting (Topic)  (3)  

Advanced study of specific oil or acrylic painting techniques, subjects and styles. Includes class paintings, outside work, and research documentation. May be repeated with different content to 6 hours total credit. Prerequisite: AR 240.

AR 341  Art of Landscape  (3)  

Creative activity in the outdoor environment. Students consult with instructor regarding media choice and expressive intent. Prerequisite: AR 140 for students engaged in Painting or Drawing; AR 140 and AR 220 for students emphasizing photography.

AR 342  Watercolor  (3)  

Exploration of watercolor techniques. Subject matter includes still life, landscape, figure and abstraction. Prerequisite: AR 240

AR 343  Figure Drawing  (3)  

Drawing from the nude and draped human figure. Prerequisite: AR 141

AR 345  Chinese Painting  (3)  

Introduction to Chinese Painting techniques, including handling ink and color on raw and sized rice paper. Subject matter includes landscapes, plants, animals and figures. Prerequisite: AR 120 and AR 140.

AR 352  Professional Photographic Lighting  (3)  

Introduction to studio lighting using 35 mm digital cameras. Students will study the principles of lighting and their practical use in areas such as portraiture, products, food and fashion. Field trips will expose students to professional studios and practices. Prerequisite: AR 220.

AR 353  Alternative Photo Processes  (3)  

Study of historical non-silver photographic processes used in the early stages of photographic development and currently used by contemporary artists as a creative element. Processes include: cyanotype, Van Dyke, platinum/palladium, salted paper, gum bichromate. Prerequisite: AR 220.

AR 354  Documentary Photography  (3)  

Course focuses on basic principles and techniques of documentary photography. Topics will vary by semester and will be announced in advance. Prerequisite: AR 220 or consent.

AR 355  Experimental Photography  (3)  

Experimental and creative methods using digital and historic photographic techniques. Students will experiment and combine new techniques with old, and use the results in mixed-media art. Techniques include: bromoil, pronto plates, albumen on paper, anthotypes, tintypes, mixed-media. Prerequisite: AR 220.

AR 360  Ceramics II  (3)  

Continued exploration of ceramics with emphasis on wheel-throwing techniques, glaze formulation, and various firing methods.

AR 361  Ceramic Glaze/Surface Exploration  (3)  

Study of fired ceramic surfaces through experiments with raw materials. Theoretical, historical, and empirical methods are applied to research. Prerequisite: AR 260.

AR 364  Advanced Sculpture  (3)  

Study of advanced sculptural techniques to achieve artistic expression. May involve environmental or multimedia emphasis. Prerequisite: AR 262. May be repeated with different content. Limit of 9 hours.

AR 365  Kiln-formed Glass & Mosaics  (3)  

Applied design work utilizing glass techniques of cutting, grinding, fusing, and slumping. 365-level students are expected to complete more advanced projects and class presentations. Prerequisite: AR 121 or AR 265.

AR 380  Elementary Art Education  (3)  

Study of the artistic development of children, practice with art materials, techniques, and concepts appropriate to the elementary grades including planning and presentation of art lessons. Production, aesthetics, criticism, and history of artworks are emphasized as the basis for children’s growth in art learning.

AR 381  Experimental Media  (3)  

Exploration of papermaking, batik, weaving, and metal working processes. Health and safety, traditions and current trends in crafts are studied. Education majors write unit/lesson plans. Non-ED majors do extra projects. Prerequisites: AR 120, AR 121.

AR 382  Methods and Philosophy in Art Education  (3)  

Examination of historical and current theories of art education, the development of personal philosophy of art education, and the examination of curriculum goals and objectives. Effective teaching methods for lesson planning, presentation, and evaluation are studied.

AR 390  Independent Study in Art  (1-3)  

Students work with faculty member to complete independent art projects. Does not involve formal group faculty critiques. Primarily intended for advanced nonmajors. Prerequisites: Advanced course work in discipline, mentor approval, chair approval.

AR 391  Art Therapy  (3)  

Practice of Art Therapy as a treatment and diagnostic tool in the psychiatric setting. Visiting lecturers and field experience will be included. Prerequisite: PY 100.

AR 398  Art and Culture Abroad  (0-3)  

Teaches students how to respectfully engage with people and places outside of Kansas, with most trips focused on international experiences. The course may be counted as either studio or art history credit. Students are expected to research the destination's culture in order to communicate their knowledge through art and/or written projects. Prerequisites: None.

AR 399  Special Topics  (0-3)  

Special media or content offerings not covered in other art courses. May be repeated with different topics. Prerequisites as specified for each offering

AR 400  Senior Exhibition  (1)  

Preparation and presentation of an exhibit of student’s artwork. Prerequisite: BFA-senior status, BA with Department approval.

AR 401  Internship  (3)  

Work experience in art-related businesses, institutions, or non-profits. 3 hrs required for all BFA majors. Licensure students meet requirement through student teaching. Prerequisite: Instructor permission

AR 403  Workshop in Art Media  (3)  

Independent work under faculty mentor in studio area of choice. Must include written plan, research, and report. Students must present work for mid-term and final critiques by all studio faculty. May be repeated for limit of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Jr or Sr BFA Major and AR 407.

AR 404  Professional Practices  (3)  

Professional preparation for all art majors, taken the semester prior to AR 400 Senior Exhibition. Includes exhibition preparation, portfolio, careers, and other professional concerns of fine artists. Prerequisite: Senior Art major.

AR 407  Themes-Contemporary Art Practice  (3)  

This course is equal parts art history, theory and studio. Includes exploration of contemporary artists, practices, new audiences and markets with an emphasis on studio experimentation and production. Prerequisite: AR 102 and admission to the BFA Program.

AR 418  UX / UI Design  (3)  

Students will learn the concepts and skills necessary for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Course materials teach students how to utilize user behavior, conduct effective user research, and employ various design tools and technologies in order to create seamless experiences on mobile platforms. Prerequisites: AR 223 and AR 318.

AR 419  Advanced Relief Printing  (3)  

In-depth study and experimentation with various relief processes including large scale printing. Prerequisite: AR 219.

AR 421  Advanced Digital Painting/Drawing  (3)  

The course is designed to provide the students with advanced knowledge and skills in digital paintings and drawing. Students will explore a variety of visual art media related to the drawing and painting process, which will be created digitally via computer and software. Emphasis of this course is focused on the wide format artwork and advanced creative expression. The students will demonstrate artistic design, creativity, and concepts in the language of paintings and drawings. Prerequisite: AR 327.

AR 426  Interactive Art: Digital  (3)  

Students will learn to make their artwork interactive digitally and also make it compatible for web interactivity. The process will include using various types of digital software and the web. Prerequisite: AR 223.

AR 429  Web Design  (3)  

An introduction to web design through front end web development. Focus on interactivity and Information Architecture to support usability and web standards. Students will apply design principles and explore visual organization of digital space. Prerequisites: AR 223 or AR 318.

AR 432  Advanced Photo Techniques II  (3)  

See course description under AR 332. Students enrolled at the 432 level must complete additional research in a photo technique and document their research through creative work. Prerequisite: AR 332.

AR 441  Art of Landscape II  (3)  

Creative activity in the outdoor environment. Students consult with instructor regarding media choice and expressive intent. Advanced students are expected to bring a more experienced and personal creative approach to the course, and are evaluated accordingly. Prerequisite: AR 341.

AR 442  Advanced Watercolor Painting  (3)  

In-depth study of personal expression through the watercolor medium. Prerequisite: AR 342.

AR 443  Figure Drawing II  (3)  

Advanced course in drawing the nude and draped human figure. Prerequisite: AR 343.

AR 445  Advanced Chinese Painting  (3)  

Continuation of Chinese Painting with emphasis on experimentation in techniques and pursuit of personal artistic language. Prerequisite: AR 345.

AR 453  Alternative Photo Processes II  (3)  

See course description for AR 353. AR 453 will study one process of choice in-depth. Prerequisite: AR 353.

AR 454  Documentary Photography  (3)  

Course focuses on basic principles and techniques of documentary photography. Topics will vary by semester and will be announced in advance. Prerequisite: AR 220 or consent.

AR 455  Experimental Photography II  (3)  

Experimental and creative methods using digital and historic photographic techniques. Students will experiment and combine new techniques with old, and use the results in mixed-media art. Techniques include: bromoil, pronto plates, albumen on paper, anthotypes, tintypes, mixed-media. Advanced students are expected to complete in- depth research and professional level work in chosen techniques. Prerequisite: AR 355.

AR 460  Advanced Ceramics (Topic)  (3)  

Study of specialized ceramic techniques of firing, surface and forming to achieve differing purposes. May involve multimedia applications. May be repeated with different topic. Limit of 9 hours. Prerequisite: AR 360.