two students walking outside a building on campus

Student Responsibilities


The value of a college education is enhanced by full participation and attendance in class activities. Because classroom activities are intended to assist the students in the learning experience, it is expected that they will attend class sessions whenever possible. There are certain kinds of class sessions in which it is impossible to carry on the work of the class unless the student is present. For this reason, each member of the faculty has the prerogative of establishing specific attendance regulations which, in the instructor’s opinion, are best suited to the course. There is no University wide attendance policy.

An instructor, after due notice to the student, may request withdrawal of the student from a course because of nonattendance through the same date as the last day a student may withdraw from a course. This would not absolve the student of financial responsibility for tuition/fees for the course in question.

Student Conduct

The University expects conduct of all students which is consistent with the law and with generally accepted principles of academic behavior. The University retains the right to secure the safety of individuals, the protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process. Any interference with access to University facilities, interruptions of educational activities, or damage to property exceeds permissible bounds. Although remedies are available through local law enforcement bodies, the University may elect to impose its own disciplinary sanctions. Information regarding student rights and the rules governing student behavior are found in the Washburn University Student Conduct Code. It is available online at and in the Student Life Office, Morgan Hall Room 240D.

Academic Impropriety Policy

Excerpts of this policy are printed each semester in the schedule of classes. A complete copy of the Academic Impropriety Policy can be found in Section 7 of the Faculty Handbook.

Authorized Academic Load

Normally, the maximum number of hours permitted for undergraduate students is 20 per semester. Correspondence, extension, and evening courses taken concurrently are counted as a part of the total load. For summer sessions, the maximum number of hours permitted concurrently is 9, provided that no more than 6 are taken in the same early or late session or shorter term. Superior students may petition the appropriate Dean for permission to enroll in more hours. Normally the term superior will be construed to mean a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.

Official E-Mail Address

The student’s Washburn University e-mail address will be the official address used by the University for relaying important messages regarding academic and financial information and the University will consider this medium as an official notification for important information. The student university e-mail address may also be used by instructors to provide specific course information.

Students who choose to have their email forwarded to a private (unofficial) email address outside the official university network address, do so at their own risk. The University is not responsible for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of email forwarded to any unofficial email address, or related issues. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the official Washburn e-mail box does not exceed the message quota resulting in the inability of e-mail messages to be accepted into the mailbox.