two students walking outside a building on campus

Business Administration Graduate Programs

MBA Admission Requirements

MBA 3+2 Option

Students can apply for the MBA 3+2 option during their undergraduate Junior year in the semester in which they will have met the following requirements: 

Admission Requirements Include:

  • Admission to the Washburn School of Business with a declared major.
  • Completion of 90 undergraduate credit hours by the semester beginning the MBA 3+2 option.
  • Completion of MA 116 College Algebra or equivalent, MA 140 Statistics, EC 200 Principles of Microeconomics, EC 211 Statistics for Business and Economics, AC 224 Financial Accounting, AC 225 Managerial Accounting, BU 250 Management Information Systems, BU 342 Organization & Management, BU 360 Principles of Marketing and BU 381 Business Finance prior to beginning the MBA 3+2 option.
  • 3.0 or higher cumulative undergraduate grade point average at the point of applying for the MBA 3+2 option.
  • Note: In certain cases, at the discretion of the MBA Director, it is possible for non-business current undergraduate students to begin taking select MBA courses simultaneously with remaining undergraduate courses during their senior year, including and if applicable, 500-level foundational Pre-MBA courses intended for the non-business undergraduate minor.

How to Apply:

  • Submit a completed online MBA program application for the term in which a student intends to begin the MBA 3+2 option.
  • Arrange for two letters of reference to be submitted by academicians, employers, or other individuals who can attest to the applicant’s potential for success in graduate study in business.
    • MBA 3+2 option applicants automatically qualify for a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) waiver.
    • MBA 3+2 option applicants are not required to submit an unofficial or official undergraduate transcript as part of the MBA application process.
    • MBA 3+2 option applicants are not required to pay an MBA program application fee. 

Admitted 3+2 Student Requirements:

Prior to enrollment opening for each upcoming semester, MBA 3+2 option students must consult with the MBA Director to determine MBA course selection. Undergraduate course/BBA program requirements are prioritized before MBA program requirements. All necessary undergraduate courses must first be confirmed with the undergraduate advisor prior to enrolling in MBA courses. Prior to the upcoming semester’s enrollment, MBA course selection and allowable number of 600-level credit hours is at the discretion of and requires the approval of the MBA Program Director. Students cannot deviate from the course plan without prior approval from the MBA Program Director.

Students admitted to the MBA 3+2 option must maintain a cumulative undergraduate Washburn grade point average of 3.0 or higher for remaining undergraduate coursework taken simultaneously with graduate-level MBA courses to be considered in good standing. Additionally, a cumulative 3.0 or higher graduate-level cumulative grade point average must also be maintained in all 600-level MBA courses taken to be considered in good standing. If a student's cumulative undergraduate grade point average after admission to the MBA 3+2 option falls below the 3.0 minimum, the student is placed on academic probation and given a specified amount of time, usually one semester, to return to good standing. In certain cases, the MBA Program Director may grant additional probationary semesters. A student who fails to return to good standing/meet the terms of academic probation is subject to dismissal from the program.

Prospective 3+2 students are advised to meet with the University Financial Aid Office to discuss any potential impacts to undergraduate financial aid prior to applying to the 3+2 MBA program.

Prior to applying, students athletes must first seek clearance from the Washburn Athletics compliance office to ensure 3+2 early admission is possible due to undergraduate NCAA regulations.  Additionally, athletics undergraduate scholarship/aid could be impacted if a 3+2 student is enrolled in fewer than 12 undergraduate hours.

In addition to the undergraduate cumulative GPA requirements listed above, students are placed on academic probation whenever the upper-level (600-level MBA course) grade point average falls below 3.0, or whenever a grade below ‘C’ is earned in an upper-level 600-level MBA course. Only two ‘C’ grades are permissible in the entire upper-level program (600-level MBA courses). Students on academic probation must work with the MBA Director to develop a plan of study to be restored to good standing in the next semester(s), subject to course availability.

  • A course withdrawal or grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ in any course, including undergraduate-level, results in automatic academic probation and the course(s) must be retaken the following semester or the immediate next semester the course is offered. If a course withdrawal or grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ is earned the second time during a course repeat, the student will be dismissed from the program.
  • Each upper-level MBA program (600 level courses), can be re-taken only once.
  • MBA 3+2 option students are allowed no more than two ‘C’ grades in the entire 10-course upper-level MBA program (600 level courses). In addition, the overall upper-level 600-level and the undergraduate level GPA cannot fall below 3.0, otherwise a student will be placed on academic probation with the possibility of dismissal. Significant improvement must be demonstrated and the corrective steps outlined to the student by the MBA Director must be successfully completed to be removed from academic probation.
  • Students who continue on academic probation for more than one semester, unless otherwise approved, may be dismissed from the program at the discretion of the MBA Director.

Financial Aid Implications for 3+2 Students:

  • Students must be enrolled in 6+ undergraduate hours in order to receive any undergraduate-specific federal aid or general university academic scholarships awarded through the Financial Aid Office or certain departmental scholarships outside the School of Business. If the student is enrolled in 6-11 undergraduate hours only, regardless of the number of graduate hours enrolled, the federal aid/general university academic scholarship awards and possibly certain departmental scholarships will be reduced to a pro-rated amount based on a less than full-time undergraduate course load.
  • School of Business departmental scholarship award amounts will not be based solely on undergraduate hours. Note: School of Business departmental scholarships will be pro-rated to a reduced amount only if a student is enrolled in fewer than 12 undergraduate and graduate hours combined.

Standard MBA Program Admission Requirements

To be considered for MBA admission, a domestic student must:

  • Submit official transcripts to Washburn University, from institutions granting the undergraduate degree or graduate degree. Official transcripts can be submitted digitally or by mail, but must come directly from the institution which granted the degree. Official transcripts for any prior Washburn University degree(s) are not required.
  • Arrange for two letters of reference to be submitted by academicians, employers, or other persons who can attest to the applicant’s potential for success in graduate study in business.
  • Submit a completed application to the Washburn MBA Program. This application also satisfies university admission and is completed online at: The application form will provide for the submission of the unofficial academic transcript and letters of reference.

Program Entry Competency

  • Students are expected to enter the program with competency in College Algebra or an equivalent course. If no such competency exists, the student will be required to successfully complete a College Algebra or equivalent course prior to entrance into the MBA program.

Application Schedule

  • Applications are processed on a continuous basis. Priority for acceptance will be given to applicants whose file is complete by December 1 (for spring enrollment), May 1 (for summer enrollment), and July 31 (for fall enrollment). Files are considered complete when the application and all supporting documents, including reference letters, have been received by the MBA Director, School of Business.
  • Note: A summer start is not always possible for applicants applying without an undergraduate BBA degree or equivalent/those needing foundational pre-MBA course work.Applicants will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine summer start eligibility.

Transfer Credit

  • A maximum of nine hours of graduate credit in business-related disciplines from AACSB-accredited business schools may be transferred to Washburn University.

Law School Courses

  • Up to six hours of credit from an ABA-accredited law school may be applied towards the 30-hour upper-level MBA requirement. The law school credit must be in business-related, non-required law school courses approved by the School of Business. Washburn University offers a dual J.D./MBA degree. A statement of that degree is provided at the following link:

Admission will be granted to students showing high promise of success in graduate business study. Professional work experience, managerial experience, and professional certifications will be taken into consideration in the admissions decision at the discretion of the School of Business/MBA Director. Professional work experience is defined as business-relevant and typically consists of full-time, salaried work.

To be admitted, a domestic student must:

1.) Hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree from an accredited institution of higher education with a minimum 3.0 GPA (2.8 GPA for Washburn graduates/AACSB accredited business school graduates) on a 4.0 scale.

The GMAT or GRE will be waived for students that meet or exceed a 3.0 GPA (2.8 GPA for Washburn graduates/AACSB accredited business school graduates). Significant professional/managerial experience and/or prior graduate degrees earned may also be considered for a GMAT waiver decision. Students who do not meet the above GPA requirement could be eligible to apply for provisional admission. See below for provisional admission criteria due to GPA.

Students with a BBA Degree

2a.) Foundational-level courses are not required of students with a BBA degree who also meet or exceed the requirements for full admission listed above. These students will advance directly into the 10 course/30 credit hour upper-level core MBA program. MBA program general academic performance, probation, and dismissal policies for admitted students regarding 600-level courses apply.

Students without a BBA Degree

*Students in this category who otherwise meet or exceed a 3.0 GPA (2.8 GPA for Washburn graduates/AACSB accredited business school graduates) will be considered ‘admitted’ on contingency of satisfactory completion of any assigned foundational-level courses.

2b.) The student must complete up to nine credit hours/three foundational-level pre-MBA courses with a grade of ‘C’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. Foundational-level course requirements will be determined by the MBA Director through transcript analysis. Foundational-level courses (or equivalents) previously taken and successfully completed with a grade of ‘C’ or better will be waived. Under limited circumstances at the discretion of the MBA Director, 600-level courses may be taken simultaneously with any needed foundational courses. These simultaneous 600-level courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director. MBA program general academic performance, probation, and dismissal policies for admitted students regarding foundational-level and 600-level courses apply.

Provisional Admission: Domestic Students

Applicants of outstanding promise, but whose applications are incomplete or whose GPA is marginally below the minimum for full admission, could be granted provisional admission to the MBA program based upon successful completion of certain conditions communicated upon the offer of provisional admission. Upon successful completion of all conditions of provisional admission, the provisional student will be granted full admission to the MBA program. Definite statements as to the length of the applicant’s MBA program, including final determination on waivers and transfer courses, cannot be made until after the applicant has been granted full admission to the MBA program. Professional work experience, managerial experience, and professional certifications may be taken into consideration in a provisional admissions decision at the discretion of the School of Business/MBA Director. Professional work experience is defined as business-relevant and typically consists of full-time, salaried work.

Provisional Admission Due to GPA: Domestic Students

Students with a minimum 2.0 – 2.99 GPA (2.0 – 2.79 for Washburn Graduates/AACSB accredited business school graduates) on a 4.0 scale may obtain provisional admission based on the following:

1.) GMAT minimum score of 450 OR GRE minimum score of 300


Students with a BBA Degree

2a.) The student must complete up to three foundational-level pre-MBA courses in which a grade below a ‘B’ was earned during undergraduate/graduate coursework. These courses will be determined via transcript analysis and assigned at the discretion of the MBA Director. Assigned foundational-level courses must be satisfactorily completed with a grade of ‘B’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. Under limited circumstances at the discretion of the MBA Director, 600-level courses may be taken simultaneously with any needed foundational courses. These simultaneous 600-level courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director. In this case, a grade of ‘B’ or better must be earned in any 600-level course. A 3.0 or greater GPA must be attained during the provisional semester(s) and in the first 18 hours of coursework, with no grade below ‘B’ permitted.

Students without a BBA Degree

2b.) The student must complete up to (3) foundational-level pre-MBA courses with a grade of ‘B’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. Foundational-level course requirements will be determined by the MBA Director through transcript analysis. Foundational-level courses (or equivalents) previously taken and successfully completed with a grade of ‘B’ or better will be waived. Under limited circumstances at the discretion of the MBA Director, 600-level courses may be taken simultaneously with any needed foundational courses. These simultaneous 600-level courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director. In this case, a grade of ‘B’ or better must be earned in any 600-level course. A 3.0 or greater GPA must be attained during the provisional semester(s) and in the first 18 hours of coursework, with no grade below ‘B’ permitted.

* Provisionally admitted students who do not meet the above academic performance requirements during the first provisional semester will be dismissed from the program at the end of that semester. Provisionally admitted students will not have the option to re-take any course assigned during the provisional semester(s). In the case that a second provisional semester is necessary, after satisfactorily completing the first, then the original academic performance standards must again be met during the second semester; otherwise the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the second semester. Upon successful completion with a ‘B’ or better in any assigned foundational courses, a ‘B’ or better in any 600-level courses taken simultaneously (if applicable) during the provisional semester(s), and a 3.0 or greater GPA in the first 18 hours of coursework, the student will then be fully admitted and eligible to continue into further 600-level MBA courses.  

MBA Admission Requirements: International Students

To be considered for MBA admission, an international student must:

  • Submit official transcripts to Washburn University, from institutions granting the undergraduate degree or graduate degree.
  • Arrange for two letters of reference to be submitted by academicians, employers, or other persons who can attest to the applicant’s potential for success in graduate study in business.
  • Request an official ECE or WES course-by-course evaluation be sent to the Office of International Admissions, unless applying through an approved partner program.
  • Request the results of a TOEFL iBT or an IELTS or a Duolingo English proficiency examination be sent to the Office of International Admissions.
  • Submit a completed application to the Washburn MBA Program. This application is completed online and is found at: The application form will provide for the submission of the unofficial academic transcript and letters of reference.
  • The application to the Office of International Admissions and application to the MBA program can be done simultaneously through a single application (link listed above); however, admission to the MBA Program will not take place until admission to Washburn University has first been granted through the Office of International Admissions, the applicant’s English proficiency has been determined (if applicable), and either an ECE or WES course-by-course evaluation of the applicant’s transcripts has been completed (if applicable).

Program Entry Competency

  • Students are expected to enter the program with competency in College Algebra or an equivalent course. If no such competency exists, the student will be required to successfully complete a College Algebra or equivalent course prior to entrance into the MBA program.

Application Schedule

  • Applications are processed on a continuous basis. Priority for acceptance will be given to applicants whose file is complete by November 15 (for spring enrollment), April 1 (for summer enrollment), and June 15 (for fall enrollment). Files are considered complete when the application and all supporting documents, including reference letters, have been received by the MBA Director, School of Business. International applicants, or applicants applying from outside of the United States, should start the application process early in order to meet the application deadlines.

Transfer Credit

  • A maximum of nine hours of graduate credit in business-related disciplines from AACSB-accredited business schools may be transferred to Washburn University.

Law School Courses

  • Up to six hours of credit from an ABA-accredited law school may be applied towards the 30-hour upper-level MBA requirement. The law school credit must be in business-related, non-required law school courses approved by the School of Business. Washburn University offers a dual J.D./MBA degree. A statement of that degree is provided at the following link:

Admission will be granted to students showing high promise of success in graduate business study. Professional work experience, managerial experience, and professional certifications may be taken into consideration in the admissions decision at the discretion of the School of Business/MBA Director. Professional work experience is defined as business-relevant and typically consists of full-time, salaried work.

To be admitted, international students must satisfy the following:

  1. Hold a university credential that is equivalent to a U.S. baccalaureate (Bachelor’s) degree.
  2. Achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA (2.8 GPA for Washburn graduates/AACSB accredited business school graduates) on a 4.0 scale in a baccalaureate or graduate degree program.
  3. Balanced TOEFL iBT score of 80 or greater OR balanced IELTS score of 6.5 or greater OR Duolingo English Test score of 115 or greater. *Note: Applicants from English speaking countries, as determined by the Washburn University Office of International Admisisons, are not required to provide English proficiency test scores.

The GMAT or GRE will be waived for students that meet or exceed the requirements for admission listed above. Significant professional/managerial experience and/or prior graduate degrees earned may also be considered for a GMAT waiver decision. Students who do not meet above requirements could be eligible to apply for provisional admission. See below for provisional admission criteria based upon low GPA and/or provisional admission due to English proficiency needs.

Students with a BBA Degree

4a.) Foundational-level courses are not required of students with a BBA degree who also meet or exceed English proficiency standards (if applicable) and GPA requirements listed above These students will advance directly into the 10 course/30 credit hour upper-level core MBA program. MBA program general academic performance, probation, and dismissal policies for admitted students regarding 600-level courses apply.

Students without a BBA Degree

*Students without a BBA degree who otherwise meet or exceed English proficiency standards (if applicable) and GPA requirements listed above will be considered ‘admitted’ on contingency of satisfactory completion of any assigned foundational-level courses.

4b.) The student must complete up to nine credit hours/three foundational-level pre-MBA courses with a grade of ‘C’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. Foundational-level course requirements will be determined by the MBA Director through transcript analysis. Foundational-level courses (or equivalents) previously taken and successfully completed with a grade of ‘C’ or better will be waived. Under limited circumstances at the discretion of the MBA Director, 600-level courses may be taken simultaneously with any needed foundational courses. These simultaneous 600-level courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director. MBA program general academic performance, probation, and dismissal policies for admitted students regarding foundational-level and 600-level courses apply.

Provisional Admission: International Students

Applicants of outstanding promise, but whose applications are incomplete, whose GPA is marginally below the minimum for full admission, or whose English proficiency exam score is marginally below the minimum for full admission could be granted provisional admission to the MBA program based upon successful completion of certain conditions communicated upon the offer of provisional admission. Upon successful completion of all conditions of provisional admission, the provisional student will be granted full admission to the MBA program. Definite statements as to the length of the applicant’s MBA program, including final determination on waivers and transfer courses, cannot be made until after the applicant has been granted full admission to the MBA program. Professional work experience, managerial experience, and professional certifications may be taken into consideration in a provisional admissions decision at the discretion of the School of Business/MBA Director. Professional work experience is defined as business-relevant and typically consists of full-time, salaried work.

Provisional Admission Due to GPA: International Students

Students with a minimum 2.0 – 2.99 GPA (2.0 – 2.79 for Washburn Graduates/AACSB accredited business school graduates) on a 4.0 scale may obtain provisional admission based on the following:

1.) GMAT minimum score of 450 OR GRE minimum score of 300.


Students with a BBA Degree

2a.) The student must complete up to three foundational-level pre-MBA courses in which a grade below a ‘B’ was earned during undergraduate/graduate coursework. These courses will be determined via transcript analysis and assigned at the discretion of the MBA Director. Assigned foundational-level courses must be satisfactorily completed with a grade of ‘B’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. Under limited circumstances at the discretion of the MBA Director, 600-level courses may be taken simultaneously with any needed foundational courses. These simultaneous 600-level courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director. In this case, a grade of ‘B’ or better must be earned in any 600-level course. A 3.0 or greater GPA must be attained during the provisional semester(s) and in the first 18 hours of coursework, with no grade below ‘B’ permitted.

 Students without a BBA Degree

 2b.) The student must complete up to nine credit hours/three foundational-level pre-MBA courses with a grade of ‘B’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. Foundational-level course requirements will be determined by the MBA Director through transcript analysis. Foundational-level courses (or equivalents) previously taken and successfully completed with a grade of ‘B’ or better will be waived. Under limited circumstances at the discretion of the MBA Director, 600-level courses may be taken simultaneously with any needed foundational courses. These simultaneous 600-level courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director. In this case, a grade of ‘B’ or better must be earned in any 600-level course. A 3.0 or greater GPA must be attained during the provisional semester(s) and in the first 18 hours of coursework, with no grade below ‘B’ permitted.

* Provisionally admitted students who do not meet the above academic performance requirements during the first provisional semester will be dismissed from the program at the end of that semester. Provisionally admitted students will not have the option to re-take any course assigned during the provisional semester(s). In the case that a second provisional semester is necessary, after satisfactorily completing the first, then the original academic performance standards must again be met during the second semester; otherwise the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the second semester. Upon successful completion with a ‘B’ or better in any assigned foundational courses, a ‘B’ or better in any 600-level courses taken simultaneously (if applicable) during the provisional semester(s), and a 3.0 or greater GPA in the first 18 hours of coursework, the student will then be fully admitted and eligible to continue into further 600-level MBA courses.

Provisional Admission Due to English Proficiency Needs: International Students

*Note: Applicants from English speaking countries, as determined by the Washburn University Office of International Admissions, are not required to provide English proficiency test scores.

Students applying to the MBA program with the following OVERALL English proficiency score ranges may be considered for provisional admission: Overall Balanced TOEFL iBT Score Range: Minimum 72 – 79 OR Overall Balanced IELTS Score Range: Minimum 6.0 – 6.4 OR Overall Duolingo English Test Score Range: Minimum 105 – 114.

English Proficiency Exams

Section Minimum Score TOEFL Minimum Score IELTS
IELTS Listening less than or equal to 6.4
IELTS Reading less than or equal to 6.4
IELTS Writing less than or equal to 6.4
IELTS Speaking less than or equal to 6.4
TOEFL iBT Listening less than or equal to 19
TOEFL iBT Reading less than or equal to 19
TOEFL iBT Writing less than or equal to 19
TOEFL iBT Speaking less than or equal to 19
Duolingo Average of Conversation + Comprehension Scores less than or equal to 114
Duolingo Average of Literacy + Comprehension Scores less than or equal to 114
Duolingo Average of Literacy + Production Scores less than or equal to 114
Duolingo Average of Conversation + Production Scores less than or equal to 114

Some or all of the following three English proficiency preparatory courses could be required of a student scoring at or below the listed sub-scores for listening/speaking, reading, or writing listed in the table above. These courses will be determined and assigned by the MBA Director in conjunction with the Office of International Admissions. Any assigned English proficiency preparatory course(s) must be satisfactorily completed with a grade of ‘B’ or better prior to taking 600-level courses in the core MBA program. A 3.0 or greater GPA must be attained during the provisional semester(s) and in the first 18 hours of coursework, with no grade below ‘B’ permitted.

English Preparatory Courses:

a.) Listening and/or Speaking – CN150 – Public Speaking or TH103 - Voice, Diction & Interpretation

b.) Reading - EN103 - Reading and Research or an appropriate upper level research methods course.

c.) Writing - EN 101 – First Year Writing or EN 208 – Professional Writing


2.) In place of English preparatory courses, a student may opt to take the GMAT or GRE exam with the following minimum scores: GMAT minimum score of 450 OR GRE minimum score of 300.

* Students admitted provisionally due to English proficiency needs who opt to take English proficiency courses and do not meet satisfactory academic performance requirements during the first provisional semester will be dismissed from the program at the end of that semester. Provisionally admitted students will not have the option to re-take any course assigned during the provisional semester(s). In the case that a second provisional semester is necessary, after satisfactorily completing the first, then the original academic performance standards must again be met during the second semester; otherwise the student will be dismissed from the program at the end of the second semester. Upon successful completion with a ‘B’ or better in any assigned English preparatory course(s) and any foundational-level business courses taken simultaneously during the provisional semester(s), and a 3.0 or greater GPA in the first 18 hours of coursework, the student will then be fully admitted and eligible to continue into 600-level MBA courses. Only foundational-level (below 600-level) courses can be taken simultaneously with any English preparatory course(s).    

Course Offerings

MBA Foundation-Level Program

Admission requirements: Oral and Written Communications, College Algebra or equivalent

In the following, a prerequisite of consent means issued a PIN by the MBA Director or MBA Advisor. Any prerequisite course numbered below 600 only applies to students who entered the MBA program without a BBA degree or equivalent. Any foundational course requirements (courses numbered below 600) will be communicated to the student prior to MBA program admission.

BU 522  Business Analysis Tools  (3)  

Quantitative methods in business decision making. Emphasis on the use of computer-based technologies in quantitative analysis, including the use of databases and spreadsheets. Prerequisite: College Algebra or equivalent and Admission to the MBA program.

EC 525  Economic Environment  (3)  

Nature and scope of economics, the firm in a market environment, level of economic activity, international aspects, and policy alternatives. Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.

BU 526  Accounting and Finance for Managers  (3)  

Accounting is taught during the first 8 weeks of the semester and finance is taught during the second 8 weeks of the semester. The principles and concepts of accounting and finance. Emphasis on (1) the use of an accounting information systems for measuring and communicating financial information for planning, control, and decision-making, (2) applying time value of money concepts and trade-offs in risk and return in business decisions, and (3) analysis of financial information for capital structure formation, capital budgeting, and dividend policies. Prerequisite: College Algebra or equivalent and Admission to the MBA program.

MBA Upper-Level Program

Admission Requirements: Students are expected to have fulfilled all or most of the foundation-level requirements before taking upper-level courses.

In the following, a prerequisite of consent means issued a PIN by the MBA Director or MBA Advisor.

Required Upper-level Courses

EC 652  Managerial Economics  (3)  

Management problems from an economic point of view. The content focuses on the applications of economic theory to day-to-day managerial decision making. Prerequisite: EC 525 and Admission to the MBA program or Admission to the MAcc program.

AC 654  Management Accounting Analysis  (3)  

In-depth study of the uses of management accounting tools and their impact on the contemporary business organization. Includes evolution of cost and decision models and the management accounting function, as well as the application of fundamental methods. Emphasis on case studies and research and the development of written and oral communication skills in a management accounting context. Prerequisite: BU 522, BU 526 (Accounting) or equivalent, and admission to the MBA program.

BU 655  Financial Strategies  (3)  

Analytical skills in corporate financial management are developed. Topics include: security valuation, capital budgeting, capital structure, options, dividends, mergers, and financial ratio analysis. Prerequisite: BU 522, BU 526 (Finance) and Admission to the MBA program.

BU 656  Computer-Based Information Systems  (3)  

Computer-based systems for supporting management decisions. Prerequisite: BU 522 and Admission to the MBA program.

BU 657  Strategic Marketing Management  (3)  

An analytical approach to the marketing function of a firm. Development of competitive marketing strategy in a dynamic environment. Prerequisite: BU 526 (Accounting) and Admission to the MBA program.

BU 658  Managerial Skills/Professional Experiences  (3)  

Course will be composed of two components. In the first, managerial skills, students will acquire a set of skills to manage and group and individual dynamics in organizations. The second, Professional Experiences, will consist of local and regional CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, and middle managers presenting seminars addressing managerial issues they encounter in their professional lives. The emphasis of these seminars will be the legal and ethical responsibilities of organizations. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program.

BU 659  Strategic Analysis  (3)  

Study of approaches for defining, analyzing, and resolving complex strategic problems facing a profit and not-for-profit organization. Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program. The course should be taken during the last two semesters of the MBA program after completion of most of the upper-level required courses.

Upper-Level Elective Courses

In the following, a prerequisite of consent means issued a PIN by the MBA Director or MBA Advisor.

AC 630  Advanced Accounting Information Systems  (3)  

Integration of accounting systems in support of organizations in global business environments including end-to-end cross-functional business processes. Application and extension to the professional environment of technology knowledge and skills in Microsoft computer operating systems and applications. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Accountancy program and BU 250 and AC 330 or Admission to the MBA program, BU 522, BU 526 (Accounting) and AC 654.

BU 616  Commercial Transactions  (3)  

Nature and sources of commercial law, legal process, common, and statutory law as they pertain to sales, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, suretyship, insurance and bankruptcy. (Not available to those who have taken BU 416.). Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Accountancy program and BU 315 or Admission to the MBA program and BU 526.

BU 630  Entrepreneurship/Creativity  (3)  

Entrepreneurship as a way of thinking and acting applicable to new ventures in any organizational setting. Explores creativity and innovation as sources of entrepreneurial opportunities and entrepreneurship as a manageable process that can be applied in the private and public sectors. Includes a mix of theory and practice applied to the real world situations and may be co-taught by a practitioner with specific industry experience. Prerequisite: Admission to the Doctor of Nursing Practice program or Admission to the MBA program.

BU 671  Legal and Ethical Issues  (3)  

The influence of legal, ethical, political, social, and regulatory issues in organizations. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program.

BU 674  International Business  (3)  

Study of international business and the multinational corporation. The environment of international business is analyzed, including political and economic factors. Financial, marketing and human resource management in the international context is addressed. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program, BU 526 (Accounting) or equivalent, or consent.

BU 678  International Marketing  (3)  

The economic, political, legal, and cultural environments that affect a firm's international marketing program. Methods, policies, and organizations for marketing in various countries and cultures. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program, BU 526 (Accounting) or equivalent, or consent.

BU 679  Investments  (3)  

Introduction to theory of investment portfolio evaluation. Topics include: bonds, preferred stock, common stock, puts, calls, and mutual funds. Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; BU 526 (Finance) or equivalent, BU 655 Financial Strategies or consent.

BU 683  Venture Creation  (3)  

Covers the entrepreneurial process from conception to implementation of a venture. Concentrating on attributes of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial teams, their search for and assessment of opportunities, and the gathering of resources to convert opportunities into businesses. Students learn how to evaluate entrepreneurs and their plans for new businesses. While the heart of entrepreneurship is opportunity assessment, a holistic approach to venture creation is taken. Students work in teams to write a business plan for a new venture. Prerequisite: Admission to the MBA program.

BU 685  Business Intelligence Systems  (3)  

Business intelligence systems combine operational data with analytical tools to present complex and competitive information to planners and decision makers. The objective is to improve the timeliness and quality of inputs to the decision process. Business intelligence is used to understand the capabilities available in the firm; the state of art, trends, and future directions in the markets, the technologies, and the regulatory environment in which the firm competes; and the actions of competitors and the implications of these actions. Prerequisite: Completion of foundation level requirements, BU 656, and admission to the MBA program.

BU 696  Research Project in Business  (3)  

Individual study of selected problems in business or economics as conducted through extensive reading and research. Approval of project proposal must be obtained before enrolling in the course. Approved project proposals are to be filed with the MBA Program Director and faculty sponsor. Enrollment by consent of faculty sponsor and MBA Program Director only. Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program and completion of all foundational courses. Cannot be taken during a student's first semester in the MBA program.

BU 697  Internship Experience  (3)  

Professional work experience in a business-related area pertaining to the MBA program curriculum with a business firm, governmental agency, or not-for-profit organization. The work experience must create a new learning experience for the student. Approval of the internship and its terms must be obtained from the MBA Program Director prior to enrolling in the course. Prerequisites: Enrollment by consent of instructor/MBA Program Director only. Admission to the MBA program.

BU 698  Special Topics/Business  (3)  

Special topics announced in advance. May be taken more than once. Enrollment by consent of instructor and MBA Program/MAcc Program Director. Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA Program or Admission to the MAcc Program.