two students walking outside a building on campus

Master of Arts - Communication and Leadership

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the program must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the last 60 hours of undergraduate work, and a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Application Procedures

The applicant should submit the following:

  • The University online graduate application admission form.  You can access the form from the Master of Arts in Communication and Leadership webpage.
  • A resume.
  • Other items needed to complete the application are based on your undergraduate GPA as follows:
    • Students with at least a 3.5 undergraduate GPA (cumulative or in their last 60 hours) can just fill in the application and submit transcripts and resume to be accepted.
    • Students with a 3.0-3.49 undergraduate GPA (cumulative or in their last 60 hours) must submit the application, transcripts, resume, and a writing sample from an undergraduate class.
    • Students with a 2.5-2.99 undergraduate GPA (cumulative or in their last 60 hours) must submit the application, transcript, resume, a writing sample from an undergraduate class, and at least one recommendation as currently facilitated via CollegeNet.
    • Students with an undergraduate GPA below a 2.5 (cumulative or in their last 60 hours) must submit the application, transcript, resume, a writing sample from an undergraduate course, and contact information for 3 persons who can provide a recommendation as currently facilitated via CollegeNet.
    • NOTE: Students with an UG GPA below a 2.5 GPA will be considered for conditional admission provided all other aspects of their application check out. This will require the student to maintain a 3.0 GPA in their first two courses in the program.

International Admission

Admission Requirements:

  • Hold a university credential that is equivalent to a US baccalaureate (Bachelor’s) degree.
  • All Transcripts from non-US institutions must be evaluated by a recognized evaluation service (e.g. ECE or WES).
  • Arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted by academicians, employers, or other persons who can attest to the applicant’s potential for success in graduate study in communication and leadership. These letters should be sent to the Communication Studies Department, Morgan 206, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas 66621.
  • Meet the required level of English proficiency by iBT TOEFL score, IELTS, or another accepted measure of English proficiency. Contact with questions regarding this requirement.
  • Submit the required international application materials to the Office of International Admissions. A complete list of the required documentation can be viewed on-line at

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit from other accredited graduate programs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Degree Requirements

  • A minimum of 30 semester hours of credit.
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.
  • At least two-thirds of the semester hours required for the degree must be earned at Washburn University.
  • All course work must be completed within six (6) calendar years.

Program Requirements

All courses will be offered online in eight-week terms. Two eight-week online courses are offered each semester in a rotation that provides convenience and flexibility for the working graduate student and allows the program to be completed in as little as two years.

Courses (total of 30 credit hours)

Required Courses
CN 601Introduction to Graduate Study - Communication Study3
LE 601Self and Systems Leadership3
LE 620Leadership/Resource Stewardship3
LE 630Organization Improvement & Innovation3
CN 630Communication-Conflict/Negotiation3
LE 640Public Policy & Global Leadership3
CN 642Team Communication in Organizations3
CN 645Community Dialogue & Deliberation3
CN 650Persuasion3
CN 698Capstone3
or LE 698 Communication/Leadership Capstone Experience
Total Hours30

May be substituted for another course in consultation with adviser.

Course Offerings


CN 601 Introduction to Graduate Study - Communication Study is a prerequisite for all other CN courses and LE courses, unless provided with instructor permission.

CN 601  Introduction to Graduate Study - Communication Study  (3)  

This course examines concepts and skills involved in human communication. Topics include language, nonverbal communication, relationships, perception, and conflict management. The course emphasizes the ability to analyze and synthesize information, and to interpret and assess human values. This course is designed to introduce students to graduate learning. Prerequisite: Admission to graduate school. Consent of Department.

CN 630  Communication-Conflict/Negotiation  (3)  

Combines theory and application to prepare students to understand, negotiate and resolve disputes among parties with differing objectives and desires within relationships, groups, organizations and communities. An emphasis is placed on the narrative structure of conflict and negotiation. Prerequisite: CN 601 or instructor permission.

CN 642  Team Communication in Organizations  (3)  

This course provides an in-depth look at group dynamics and communication focusing on communication and decision making, relationships, conflict, leadership, and group development. Students will examine the theory and research on the role of communication in effective and efficient work teams. Prerequisite: CN 601 or instructor permission.

CN 645  Community Dialogue & Deliberation  (3)  

This course examines how communication can help students navigate differences in their professional and personal lives. Given the political polarization and exacerbation of structural inequities in the United States, this course will grant special attention to the ways public dialogue (1) encourages diverse groups and identities to discuss their differences, (2) helps local citizens to discover their similarities, and (3) further promotes equity and inclusivity in their communities. Prerequisites: CN 601

CN 650  Persuasion  (3)  

This course examines the theoretical and practical elements into the role of communication in influencing attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors. The course allows students to take this research and put it into practice in forming and analyzing persuasion campaigns in various contexts. Prerequisite: CN 601 or instructor permission.

CN 680  Seminar - Strategic Management Communication  (3)  

This course is built upon a 21st century theoretical foundation that links disciplines of business, organizational communication and corporate management, with a focus on planning and leadership. According to our textbook author, a unique and important aspect of the course is its emphasis "on strategy formulation, making a clear distinction between strategic and tactical elements of communication." Using the case method and other applications for theories we cover, students will understand how they can best use various channels and contexts of communication as tactics that will help them to achieve strategic goals. Prerequisite: CN 601 or instructor permission.

CN 695  Special Topics  (3)  

Focuses on a topic not regularly offered, but that enhances the curriculum because of specialized faculty or student interest. Prerequisites: None.

CN 698  Capstone  (3)  

Communication and Leadership Capstone Experience (3 credits) The capstone experience is the culminating experience of the master's degree program and is taken in the final semester. It requires the identification of an organizational or community problem or opportunity and the development and implementation of a project that defines, measures, analyzes, and improves the problem or opportunity. Prerequisite: CN 601 and 15 credit hours in graduate communication courses

CN 777  Continuous Enrollment  (1-3)  

This course is to allow additional time to complete Capstone, Thesis, or Practicum Requirements. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.


LE 601 Self and Systems Leadership, CN 601 Introduction to Graduate Study - Communication Study are prerequisites for all other LE courses.

LE 601  Self and Systems Leadership  (3)  

This course explores the ways in which one interacts with given systems to provide effective leadership, and the various elements of both self and system that must be considered in this process. This requires an ability to critically examine oneself as a leader, including analysis of one's own core values and adherence to these values. Students will seek and critically examine new knowledge to improve one's leadership practice and consider the ramifications of leadership actions in systems of various scale. Students will develop a personal leadership plan and consider how this plan will affect their community of interest.

LE 620  Leadership/Resource Stewardship  (3)  

This course explores a leader's responsibility as a steward of an organization's human, financial and technological resources. Students will explore how the concepts of stewardship can be applied to the organization through responsible planning and management of resources. Students will develop an understanding of how to align resource plans with the organizations strategic goals and direction. The course will focus on key concepts and current readings in strategic budgeting, strategic organizational management structures, and strategic performance measurement. Students will critically evaluate organizational practices in these areas, consider alternatives and potential enhancements, and develop plans to align with and ensure achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Prerequisite: LE 601 or instructor permission.

LE 630  Organization Improvement & Innovation  (3)  

This course will focus on the role of leaders in the realization of organizational mission and vision through assessment, utilizing a continuous improvement framework, and innovation. Organizational assessment is required to understand critical problems to solve and opportunities to explore. Continuous improvement, utilizing Lean Six Sigma, provides a model for problem solving and opportunity development. If organizational assessment and a process improvement framework is supported, then innovation is more likely to occur. This requires the leader to work collaboratively with various stakeholders, and to manage the change process to ensure sustained outcomes. Prerequisite: LE 601 or instructor permission.

LE 640  Public Policy & Global Leadership  (3)  

Diversity in the organization is the new norm, and leaders must develop a high level of cultural intelligence in order to balance micro- to macro-system priorities and competing perspectives. This course will emphasize leadership of local/global organizations within environments of escalating complexity and change. This course builds upon previous leadership courses to analyze, implement and evaluate effective leadership strategies within local/global settings, with an emphasis on policy development, ethics, and social advocacy. Prerequisite: LE 601, LE 620, and LE 630 or instructor permission.

LE 695  Special Topics in Leadership  (0-3)  

Special topics in leadership. May be repeated for different topics. See course schedule for current offerings. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

LE 698  Communication/Leadership Capstone Experience  (1-3)  

The capstone experience is the culminating experience of the master's degree program and is taken in the final semester. It requires the identification of an organizational or community problem or opportunity and the development and implementation of a project that defines, measures, analyzes, and improves the problem or opportunity. Prerequisite: 18 hours of graduate communication curriculum and 9 hours of graduate leadership curriculum.

LE 777  Continuous Enrollment  (1-3)  

This course is to allow additional time to complete Capstone, Thesis, or Practicum Requirements. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.