two students walking outside a building on campus

II. Selection and Appointment of Chairpersons

A. Selection Committee

Whenever, by resignation or other circumstances, a vacancy has been created or will be created in the chair of any department, the Dean shall convene the voting members of the department to review the procedures to be followed. This shall include consideration of steps required to assemble a search committee consisting of three to five members.

The department will elect faculty members to serve on the search committee. Provision shall be made for the inclusion of a student on the search committee. The Dean of the school shall name one additional member who shall be from another department. Both the student and faculty member from outside the department shall be accorded full voting privileges as members of the search committee.

B. Procedures

The committee shall be convened for its initial meeting by the Dean of the major academic unit. At this first session the Dean shall review the procedures to be followed and provide the committee with such information as it may require for the discharge of its functions. The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its own members whose responsibilities shall include close and continuous liaison with the Dean. It shall be the President's responsibility, with the advice of the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, to decide whether or not it is appropriate to search for candidates from outside the University, as well as from among the faculty already here.

The committee shall present its recommendations first to the department. More than one name shall be presented for consideration. If it is decided to seek prospects from other than Washburn University, the most promising shall be invited for a campus visit. This visit will include opportunities to confer with chairpersons of related areas, in addition to faculty members, students, and the Dean of the academic unit involved. All candidates should be scheduled for conferences with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President. Candidates from within the University shall be provided comparable opportunities for interviews and conferences.

The voting members of the department shall recommend from the committee's list. More than one candidate shall be recommended by each individual. The individuals may rank the candidates if they choose. The individual department member's choices shall be communicated to the Dean of the major academic unit, who shall recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who shall recommend to the President. The President then recommends to the Board of Regents, who shall make the appointment.