two students walking outside a building on campus

VI. Selection and Appointment of Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents, Associate and Assistant Deans, and Chairpersons

The designation of persons to serve as associate or assistant chairpersons, associate or assistant deans, or Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs is regarded as a matter of administrative determination, since these administrators serve primarily at the pleasure of the chairperson, dean, or Vice President for Academic Affairs. The designee should be acceptable to those with whom he/she will be dealing. Approval of the Dean of the major academic unit concerned shall be obtained for the designation of associate or assistant chairpersons; approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be obtained for the designation of associate or assistant deans. In selecting persons to receive associate and assistant designations, the appropriate equal opportunity procedures will be followed.

Guidelines suggested above have been standard University operating procedure since the 7th Faculty Handbook (1978).