two students walking outside a building on campus

IV. Procedure for Notice of Non-Reappointment

A. Notice of non-reappointment may be given to a non-tenured faculty member at any time in accordance with the non-reappointment schedule.

B. Non-reappointment decisions originate in the department or school. Written notice shall be sent by the departmental chairperson or the Dean to the faculty member on or before the date on which that recommendation is forwarded to the next review level. This notice shall
make allowance for the stated standard for date of notice, specified in IV.C. below.

The procedure for forwarding recommendations for non-reappointment shall be from the chairperson of the department to the Dean of the Academic Unit to the Vice President for Academic Affairs to the President. At each level the appropriate administrator shall indicate his/her concurrence or non-concurrence.

The decision to issue a notice of non-reappointment in no case will be made without consultation with the Dean and/or department chairperson. The legally effective notice of non-reappointment will be issued over the signature of the President and shall be sent to the faculty member no later than the appropriate deadline date in IV.C. below.

C. Non-reappointment Schedule of Notification

Non-reappointment notification must conform to the following schedule of dates:

  1. Not later than March 1 of the first academic year of service if the appointment expires at the end of that year, or, if a one-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least three months in advance of termination.
  2. Not later than December 15 of the second academic year of service if the appointment expires at the end of that academic year, or, if an initial two-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least six months in advance of its termination.
  3. Not later than May 31 of the academic year preceding the academic year in which the appointment is to expire, when the individual is in the third or later year of appointment.

D. A non-tenured faculty member is considered to be serving a probationary period. Non-reappointment may be justified, in addition to reasons related to the faculty member's performance as a teacher, scholar, and member of the University community, by criteria based upon departmental or school plans for future faculty development, by budgetary considerations, financial exigencies, program reduction or termination, or by a departmental or school decision that its needs should be filled with a different individual.