two students walking outside a building on campus

XI. History of Changes to Section 3

31 August 1999
Minor changes and corrections to part III.C, referring to promotion and tenure policies in the School of Law. In particular:
1. a typographical error part III.C.1.c was corrected, so that the words "and significant performance of service obligations" appear at the end of the paragraph.
2. Part III.C.2.d.ii. was changed per vote of the Law faculty
to strengthen the publication requirement.
3. An omission in the language of part III.C.2.b.(3) regarding length of term for promotion to professor was corrected.

2 October 2004
Procedures for Tenure and Promotion in the School of Business were changed.

16 June 2004
Minimum experience requirement for consideration for Tenure and Promotion in Arts and Sciences (Part III.B.2.b) was changed allowing candidate to petition for both tenure and promotion (if eligible) during the sixth year.

13 June 2005
Section II. H-K revised to add description of joint faculty appointments (approved by the Board of Regents 13 Sept 2002)
Section V.C.2.a.1 Faculty Appeals Committee composition changed with change from University Council to Faculty Senate governance.

29 August 2005
Minor changes and corrections to Part III.E., referring to promotion and tenure policies in the School of Applied Studies. In particular:
1. A reference to "career-oriented" degrees was changed to "professional" degrees in Part III.E.1.
2. References to professional "training" was changed to professional "education" in Part III.E.2.
3. Because the rank of "Instructional Assistant" no longer exists in Allied Health, the note regarding their tenure ineligibility was eliminated in Part III.E.3.

25 May 2006
Section IX and X Emeritus and Eminentes Eligibility Change approved by the Board of Regents that ten years of full-time service is required to be eligible to receive the title of Emeritus or Eminentes (previously 5 years and 20 years respectively)

8 June 2006
Section III.D. School of Nursing Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Updated- Approved Washburn Board of Regents May, 2006

5 April 2007
Section III.E.3.d.i. and Section III. E. 4. School of Applied Studies Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Updated - Eligibility for Promotion to Professor, Promotion and Tenure Committee Membership, and Procedures for Appointment of College Promotion and Tenure Committee Members - Approved Washburn Board of Regents March, 2007

7 July 2008
Section X.B.C. Persons awarded the status of Eminentes Universitatis no longer appear in the university directory. This became effective in Fall 2004 with the implementation of the integrated software system.

22 April 2009
Section IX. Added additional perquisite for Faculty Emeriti recipients to maintain e-mail and MyWashburn access.
Section X.C. Added additional perquisite for Eminentes Universitatis recipients to maintain e-mail and MyWashburn access.

9 February 2010
Section II.I. Revision of joint faculty appointments as requested by the Faculty Senate. Approved by the Washburn Board of Regents 29 January 2010.

29 May 2014
Sections II.E., II.I., III.A.2.b, III.C.2.a. changed to define the maximum probationary period a faculty member must serve before being considered for tenure as 6 year (instead of seven) and the number of years served at Washburn as 3 years (instead of 4). Approved by General Faculty 30 January 2014. Approved by the Washburn Board of Regents 1 May 2014.

Sections III.A.4., III.D.5., III.E.4 added language to establish policy that creates pathways for faculty members, unit heads, chairs, and deans to collaboratively establish development opportunities for faculty who are
granted tenure but are not promoted to Associate Professor. Approved by the General Faculty 30 January 2014.

24 July 2014
Section II.E. Subsections 1 and 2 added to clarify how time toward tenure is determined and the fact that faculty can choose to petition for tenure earlier than the mandatory tenure review in the sixth year. Approved by General Faculty 14 April 2014. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 24 July 2014.

25 September 2014
Part II.F. and G. Added policy regarding makeup of department/area promotion and/or tenure committee as well as ability of petitioner to provide updates to materials mentioned in the original petition. Current sections G-K will become H-M. Approved by General Faculty 14 April 2014. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 25 September 2014.

12 March 2015
Part II.E.3. Specifies situations when probationary period can be extended. Approved by General Faculty 29 January 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 12 March 2015. Part III.E.e.a. Instructor as a ranked position was eliminated since the faculty position definitions eliminated this as a defined position when approved by the Washburn Board of Regents 12 March 2015.

25 June 2015
Part III.A.1-2. The College of Arts and Sciences revised its tenure and promotion policy for clarification and consistency with the recent changes to the University criteria for tenure and promotion in the Faculty Handbook. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.

7 May 2018
Part II.E. – All instances of instructor replaced with assistant professor based on elimination of instructor as a ranked position. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.
Part II.K. – Joint Faculty Appointment Benefits updated and based on existing benefits/insurance conditions established by the provider. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.