two students walking outside a building on campus

II. Employment Outside the University

Full-time faculty members may engage in a reasonable amount of compensated work outside the University as long as the work does not interfere with the effective discharge of the faculty member’s University duties. Before accepting a position or performing any compensated work outside the University which has the potential to conflict with expected work hours, use significant university resources, or create a conflict of interest, a faculty member must notify his/her department chairperson and/or the Dean of the appropriate school or college of the nature of the assignment and an estimate of the amount of time to be spent in the outside activity. The member must receive approval in writing from the Dean of the Major Academic Unit and the Vice President for Academic Affairs before such work can be conducted. Short-term engagements for which a small amount of compensation is received do not constitute compensated work. All compensated work must be reported on the faculty member’s conflict of interest form.

As relates to teaching, in accordance with the WUPRPM Section 5.5.2, full-time faculty members are prohibited from serving in a teaching capacity, with or without compensation, on a full-time or part-time basis with another higher education institution without the advance approval of the Major Academic Unit Dean, which may not be unreasonably denied.