two students walking outside a building on campus

XXV. Success Week Policy

Success Week refers to the last week of classes (the week before final exams) in a normal 15 week semester. It does not apply to part-of-term courses (condensed courses consisting of fewer than 15 weeks).

For academic programs, the following guidelines apply:

A. Faculty are encouraged to utilize Success Week as a time for review of course material in preparation for the final examination. If an examination must be given during Success Week, it should be given on Monday or Tuesday of Success Week. Assignments worth more than 10% of the final grade or covering more than one-fourth of assigned reading material in the course should not be given or due during Success Week.

B. Major course assignments (extensive research papers, projects, etc.) should be due by the week prior to Success Week and should be assigned early in the semester. Any modifications to assignments should be made in a timely fashion to give students adequate time to complete the assignments.

C. Exceptions include class presentations by students and semester-long projects such as a project assignment in lieu of a final. Participation and attendance grades during this week are acceptable.

This policy excludes make-up assignments, make-up tests, take-home final exams, and laboratory examinations. It also does not apply to classes meeting one day a week for more than one hour. All University laboratory classes are exempt from this policy.

University departments shall not sponsor any meetings of registered student organizations and such organizations shall be encouraged to refrain from conducting any organizational activity or meeting during Success Week.

Instructors may petition their dean or department chair if they believe the policy jeopardizes or impairs their ability to teach.

The deans and department chairs will publicize and monitor this policy.