two students walking outside a building on campus

Appendix VI: AIDS Policy & Guidelines

The Washburn University AIDS Policy and Guidelines have been adopted in an effort to create an informed, educated, and supportive campus community regarding the issue of AIDS and to protect the rights of students and employees who have contracted Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related Complex (ARC), or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) antibody. It is recognized that AIDS and related conditions are the subject of many misconceptions and fears. The information on which the policy and guidelines are based has been compiled from a variety of sources, including the American College Health Association and the U.S. Public Health Service's Centers for Disease Control, and is the most current medical information available. Although the AIDS virus has only recently come to the attention of the medical community and public, much is already known concerning the transmission of this virus. At this time, there is no evidence that AIDS or ARC can be transmitted in the ordinary academic, living, or employment environment.

Current knowledge indicates that students or employees with any form of HIV infection do not pose a health risk to other students or employees in an academic setting.

A University AIDS Policy and Education Committee shall be established with a membership consisting of the University Physician, the Director of Residential Living, the Director of Student Life, two students appointed by the WSA and one faculty member appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The University Physician shall serve as Committee Chair. The committee will be charged with maintaining and updating information regarding the AIDS virus and AIDS-related complex and ensuring that this information is readily accessible to all students and employees. In addition, the committee shall be charged with monitoring University policies and procedures to ensure University compliance with all local, state and federal laws regarding AIDS and AIDS victims. The committee shall be guided in its work by the following considerations:

  • AIDS has been ruled to be a protected handicapping condition under Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973. There shall be no discrimination against any student or employee as a result of that person's contraction of the AIDS virus or AIDS-related complex. The identification of students, employees, or other members of the University community who have AIDS or ARC shall be kept confidential.
  • Each case will be assessed according to the individual's ability to function, the needs of the campus community, the legal obligations pertaining to the individual case, and the most recent medical knowledge available.
  • In all situations concerning an employee or student who has AIDS or ARC, the Chair of the Committee shall serve as the contact person for Washburn University and it shall be his/her responsibility to act as the University AIDS information spokesperson. The Committee will be responsible to the Vice President for Student Affairs and will submit an annual report in June of each year describing its activities and accomplishments