two students walking outside a building on campus

VIII. Selection and Responsibilities for the Faculty Reps to the BOR

A. Selection

The President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate shall serve as the faculty representatives to the Board of Regents, and shall be prepared to report to the Board on issues before the Faculty Senate.

B. Description of Duties & Responsibilities

1. Representing

a. Representing faculty formally in board meetings and informally at board dinners;

b. Being well-informed on all issues going to the board and consulting appropriate faculty and administrators whenever anything of potential relevance appears on board agendas;

c. Establishing communications with groups and individuals such as the Faculty Affairs Committee and university administrators in order to obtain insight into administration proposals on issues;

d. Working with the administration to assist in the development of proposals acceptable to faculty interests and supporting these proposals before the board.

2. Communicating

a. Communicating board perspectives, developments and actions to faculty;

b. Making oneself available to a broad cross-section of faculty in order to determine current faculty interest;

c. Becoming informed of potential problems which might appear from existing or contemplated board actions or proposals of administration or faculty.

3. Serving in ceremonial roles to represent the faculty such as taking part in ceremonies, inaugurations, and other functions.