two students walking outside a building on campus

V. Major Academic Units

The instruction offered in the University shall be given in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, the School of Law, the School of Nursing, and the School of Applied Studies.

A. Members. The faculty of each major academic unit shall consist of the President, the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean and all full-time faculty members within the College/school with the rank of Lecturer, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. Adjunct and part-time faculty members in such schools shall not have voting privileges.

B. Authority. Each faculty of a major academic unit shall recommend to the Board, through the President, requirements for admission, except for open admission to the University, standards for retention, courses of study, the implementation of approved degrees to be conferred, rules and methods for conducting the educational program, and the candidates from its respective school for the degrees conferred. Recommendation for changes in graduation requirements, new degrees, and new majors will be recommended to the President and Board through the General Faculty.

C. Meetings. Each Faculty of a major academic unit shall meet at the times designated in the rules and procedures adopted by it. Each faculty shall elect a secretary who shall keep a permanent record of all proceedings.

D. The Dean
The Academic Deans are directly responsible to the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs. They are to direct and supervise the academic programs under their responsibility, and they are responsible for the staffing, budget, and faculty development of the departments within their jurisdiction. The Deans will work directly with the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs on long-range planning and budget allocations concerning their respective areas of responsibility. It is intended for the Deans of major academic units to have principal administrative responsibility for the operation of their programs.

E. The Department Chairperson

  1. Program Maintenance, Development, and Evaluation
  2. Personnel Management
  3. Fiscal Management
  4. Responsibilities to Students
  5. Other Responsibilities

The Chairperson is a faculty member and an administrator whose major responsibility is academic leadership of the faculty. This leadership is exercised through constructive concern for the academic performance of the department in light of goals and missions set by the disciplines, the school or college and the university. The Chairperson must be vitally involved in all aspects of academic planning and faculty development to ensure the continued academic vitality of the department. Specific among the administrative responsibilities of the Chairperson are:

1. Program Maintenance, Development and Evaluation

The Chairperson will:

a. Initiate and coordinate short- and long-term planning for the department, including enrollment management and defining program outcomes, in consultation with the faculty.
b. Develop and evaluate in conjunction with the faculty curricula for majors, minors, non-majors and others who have interests in the department's offerings.
c. Arrange for procurement, inventory and maintenance of department equipment and ensure that all plant and physical facilities assigned to the department are kept in a clean, well-ordered manner.
d. Coordinate procurement of library materials, textbooks, audio-visual aids and other learning resources.
e. Maintain regular communication with the administration on the progress
of various programs in the department.
f. Implement course schedules which maximize the opportunity for enrollment by all students, regardless of their educational objectives.

2. Personnel Management

The Chairperson will:

a. Make recommendations for tenure, promotion and termination to the dean, following procedures outlined in Section Three of this handbook.
b. Assume primary responsibility for the recruitment of all new full-time, part- time and adjunct faculty in accordance with procedures outlined in this handbook.
c. Evaluate needs for additional faculty and report those results to the dean, along with appropriate justifications for the request for new faculty.
d. Provide leadership in the development of professional goals of the faculty, the department, the college and the university.
e. Make faculty aware of the opportunities and services available through the Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning. When appropriate or necessary refer faculty to the Center.
f. Encourage faculty to engage in scholarly and creative research and service, and pursue excellence in teaching.
g. Encourage faculty to undertake and maintain ongoing activities for updating their instructional and professional programs.
h. Promote involvement among the faculty in related professional organizations at the local, state and national levels, as well as service within the department, college/school, the university and community.
i. Provide community contact as the representative of the department before civic and professional organizations and in hosting on- and off-campus community-related functions
j. Inform faculty about college/school and university policies and implement and monitor such policies.
k. Hear and assess faculty concern on university matters; present those faculty concerns and problems to the administration.
l. Conduct annual performance and professional development review for all faculty in accordance with criteria developed in consultation with the faculty.
m. Assign faculty loads and coordinate the preparation of course, teaching and other work schedules.
n. Convene department meetings as necessary.
o. Orient new full, part-time and adjunct faculty to services and policies of the university and of the community.
p. Coordinate all departmental activities associated with accreditation.
q. Manage the formulation of departmental self-studies and coordinate program reviews
r. Evaluate needs for non-faculty staff and recommend the hiring of such personnel to the dean.
s. Maintain efficient and professional clerical operations.
t. Conduct annual performance and professional development reviews for all department staff.

3. Fiscal Management

The Chairperson will:

a. Prepare annual budget recommendations, including faculty and staff salaries, in accordance with university budget requirements.
b. Administer and modify budgets according to changing priorities.

4. Responsibilities to Students

The Chairperson will:

a. Coordinate the department's advising program in conformity with "The Core of Academe" in Appendix II and provide for its periodic evaluation.
b. Evaluate student requests for independent study or course substitution and coordinate intern, clinical or co-op programs.
c. Make information on employment and graduate program opportunities available to students.
d. Ensure that majors and others are informed of changes in courses and curricula.
e. Ensure that faculty members are aware of the policies in the Washburn University Student Handbook, especially those sections relating to appeal in academic matters.

5. Other Responsibilities of Chairpersons

The Chairperson will:

a. Encourage and set an example of professional conduct for members of the faculty and staff.
b. Provide office and other work space for faculty in consultation with the dean.
c. Attend or send a representative to meetings and conferences which relate to departmental concerns and interests.
d. Conduct elections or appoint departmental representatives to committees.
e. Prepare an annual report in accordance with guidelines supplied by the dean.
f. Coordinate the preparation of departmental copy for the catalog, the schedule of classes and other university publications.