two students walking outside a building on campus

IX. History of Changes to Section 1

20 October 1995
Part VII.D.3 - The University Financial Aid Committee was restructured and the committee's charge revised.

11 September 1997
Part VI.A.2 was changed to add the senior elected Faculty Representative to the Board of Regents to the voting membership of the University Council. Line "c." was added to Part VI.A.3 to add the junior elected Faculty Representative to the Board of Regents to the non-voting membership of the University Council.

Part VI.A.4 was changed to make the chair of the University Council an elected position. The President (or in his/her absence the VPAA) had been the chair of the University Council.

Part VI.A.6 was changed to require the agenda for University Council to be distributed one week in advance rather than 48 hours in advance. The above changes were approved by the Board of Regents on Sept. 10, 1997.

8 August 1998
Parts VI.A.4,6 and 7 were modified to reflect the "first reading policy" adopted by the University Council November 13, 1997. Part VI.A.6.b was changed to clarify how action on committee reports should be handled. Handbook wording changes were approved December 11, 1997 by the University Council and March 18, 1998 by the Board of Regents. The words "shall be deemed approved by the University Council" were added between the words "University Council" and the word "without" starting in line three of Part VI.A.6.a to correct a typographical error. The paragraph describing the election procedure for at- large faculty members of the Graduate Committee was added to Part VI.B.16, approved by University Council February 12, 1998. A reference to further information in Section Three was added to Part VI.C.1. The Division of Continuing Education had been included in error in the list in Part VII.B.2 of participants in the election process for faculty representative to the Board of Regents, so it was removed from the list.

18 June 1999
Parts VI.A.2-3 were modified to add an elected library faculty member to the University Council, and to make the Library Director a non-voting member. Approved by the Board of Regents 2/18/98. Part VI.B.18 was changed to modify the structure of the Assessment Committee. The principal change was making the executive director of planning a non-voting member, and making the chair an elected position. Approved by
the Board of Regents 6/9/99.

2 August 2000
Part VI.B.5, the title, "Undergraduate Retention and Reinstatement Committee", was changed to the "Committee on Undergraduate Probation and Reinstatement." Language referring to the "Chief Student Affairs Officer" was changed to read "Dean of Students." Reference to "Counseling and Testing" was changed to "Center for Learning and Student Success, and the words "(or designee)" were added after "Vice President for Academic Affairs." Part VI.B.19 was added, indicating a new committee, the Committee on Undergraduate Retention. The above changes were approved by the University Council on 2/10/00.

30 August 2001
Article VI.A.7 modified to reflect change in how other meetings were convened. The change was approved by the BOR on May 7, 2001.

4 September 2001
Article VI.A.2 modified to reflect replacement of member. This change was approved by the General Faculty on September 15, 2000. Article VII.B.8 new section added to explain replacement strategy for Faculty Representative to BOR. This addition was approved by the General Faculty on September 15, 2000. Article VI.B.20 University Curriculum Committee established. This was approved by the BOR on April 11, 2001.

27 February 2003
Article VI.B.5 Change of membership of the Committee on Undergraduate Probation and Reinstatement. Approved by BOR on January 30, 2003.

13 September 2005
Part VI. through Part VII. were completely revised to incorporate the replacement of the University Council with the Faculty Senate (approved by the BOR on 11 March 2005) as well as the structure of the committees which previously reported to the University Council and the Board of Regents. The original Section VII is now Section VIII. Part VIII.B. (Selection of BOR Faculty Representatives) was omitted since Faculty Senate President and Vice President serve as faculty representatives to the Board of Regents under the recently approved Faculty Senate proposal.

27 October 2006
Part VII.D. (Electronic Technology Committee) was omitted since it was disbanded effective the end of the 2005-2006 academic year.

13 November 2006
Part VII.C.5. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee was established to provide oversight for animal research.

7 May 2007
Part VII.D.8. Addition of the Technology Steering Committee as an Advisory Committee to the Vice President for Administration and Treasurer and the Vice President for Academic Affairs

11 September 2007
Part VII.D.8.b. Modification of membership of Technology Steering Committee to include 2 faculty members designated by Faculty ISS Advisory Committee. 4 May 2008

Part VII.D.9. Addition of the University Program Review Committee as an Advisory Committee to the Vice President for Administration and Treasurer and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

14 September 2009
Part VII.A.2. Addition of the membership, terms, and quorum of the Academic Affairs Committee approved by the Board of Regents 26 June 2009.

26 January 2010
Part VII.D.2. Modification of the composition of the Board of Student Publications and the method of appointment approved by Faculty Senate October 2009.

9 February 2010
Part IV.C. Modification of the procedures for the conduct of General Faculty Meetings approved by the Board of Regents 30 October 2009.

11 May 2010
Part VII.B.1.b.and c. as well as Part VII.B.2.a. Membership of the Research Committee was changed from appointed by deans to elected by academic units. Part VII.B.2.c. Review Committee modified to report to the Research Committee rather than being a subcommittee of the Research Committee. Part VII.B.2.e. Suggestion that members of the Review Committee not serve on any major committees was eliminated. Part VII.B.5. Eliminated the at-large member from the School of Nursing serving on the Graduate Committee since the School of Nursing now has a masters program and is thus already represented on the committee. Part VI.A.3.f. Changed method of selecting members of Academic/Sweet Sabbatical Committee. Approved by General Faculty 11 May 2010.

23 June 2010
Part VI.B.1. The Faculty Senate Constitution was amended to clarify that only full-time faculty members are eligible to vote for and to serve on Faculty Senate. Approved by General Faculty 11 May 2010. Approved by the Board of Regents 23 June 2010.

3 February 2011
Part VII.B.4. The Honors Advisory Board was modified to include staggered terms for members. Part VII.D.2. The Board of Student Publications was changed to the Board of Student Media. Approved by General Faculty.

5 May 2011
Part IV Added. Electronic Voting for Curricular Items. Approved by General Faculty to expedite the process of approving minor curricular/governance changes through electronic balloting when deemed appropriate by Faculty Senate.

25 July 2011
Part VII.D.8.b. Composition of Technology Steering Committee was modified so that, rather than two faculty members being selected by the Faculty IT Advisory Committee, one will be selected by the Faculty IT Advisory Committee and one will be selected by Faculty Senate. This change was approved by the Technology Steering Committee. Part VII.D.1. The committee membership list was updated to reflect the approved title from Dean of Enrollment Management to Executive Director of Enrollment Management. Part VII.D.1,5,6. The committee membership
list was updated to reflect the change in title and office from Director of the Center for Undergraduate Studies and Programs (CUSP) to Assistant Dean of Student Success and Retention.

22 July 2013
Part VI.E.5, Part VII. Committees was modified to change the Graduate Committee to a Graduate Council, changing the composition of the membership, and clarifying its role in the graduate curriculum approval process. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 26 June 2013.

30 January 2014
Part VII.E.6. Concept of Associate Vice President serving as chair of the Probation/Reinstatement Committee approved by General Faculty. Part VII.E.9. Concept of Program Review Committee tri-chairs included and process modification approved by General Faculty. Final edited version will be approved at the end of the Faculty Handbook review process. Approved by General Faculty 30 January 2014.

29 May 2014
Part VII.E.5. Modify the name, function and composition of the Undergraduate Retention Committee. Approved by General Faculty 30 January 2014.

12 March 2015
Part VI.B.2. Clarifies faculty senate representation (based on groups of ten) in instances where the number of faculty is 5 where representation is rounded up rather than down. Approved by General Faculty 29 January 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 12 March 2015.

Part VII.C.5. Updates the responsibilities of the General Education Committee. Approved by General Faculty 29 January 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 12 March 2015.

Part III. Addition of definitions of faculty appointments for hiring purposes and for ease of use in any future updates to the Faculty Handbook. Includes the addition of new appointments including senior lecturer, research lecturer, and senior research lecturer. Approved by General Faculty 17 November 2014 and 29 January 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 12 March 2015.

25 June 2015
Part VII.B.2 and B.3. To make Faculty Affairs and Academic Affairs Committee membership more clear, and to have a contingency plan for representation in the case there are not enough senators from a Major Academic Unit or Mabee Library/Curriculum Resource Center (CRC, non-Faculty Senate members may be appointed to serve. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.

Part VII.B.2. Additional explanatory language added to the description of the charge to the Academic Affairs Committee to increase consistency in the process of evaluating new programs, major revisions, and program changes with university financial commitments. Approved by General Faculty 30 April 2015. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 11 June 2015.

14 April 2016
Part VII.E.1. The makeup and tenure of the Assessment Committee was modified. Additional members were added (Washburn Tech and School of Law), one member was deleted (one of two librarians), and three ex officio members were added (Assessment Coordinator, Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning, Director of Strategic Analysis and Reporting). Term limits were changed from 2 to 3 years and the Faculty Assessment Coordinator was designated as chair of the Assessment Committee. Approved by General Faculty 14 April 2016.

26 January 2017
Part VI.D.2. Add wording assigning the Secretary of the Faculty Senate one-eighth reassigned time. Approved by General Faculty 26 January 2017.

27 April 2017
Part III.VI.A. Change in the Graduate Council Charge and Membership. Graduate academic issues will now follow the same type of path as undergraduate issues with the Graduate Council serving the role as the Academic Affairs Committee. In addition, the council membership was modified. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017

Part VI.D.7. Change the timeline for agendas to be distributed for Faculty Senate and the Academic Affairs Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Graduate Council from one week to six days. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017

Part VI.E.1 Delete this item indicating meeting agendas must be distributed to members of Faculty Senate one week in advance of scheduled meeting and add the item as VI.D.7 indicating a six-day advance notification. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017.

Part VII.A. Modify the charge and membership of the Graduate Council to more closely align with graduate process with the undergraduate process for approving curriculum issues with the Graduate Council serving a similar role to the Academic Affairs Committee for undergraduate decisions. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017.

20 June 2017

Part III.A. Modifications of previously approved definitions for tenure-track and tenured faculty, lecturer and senior lecturer and deletion of senior research lecturer and research lecturer. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 15 June 2017.

Part III.VII.E.10. Addition of standing advisory committee - Faculty Handbook Committee to review proposed changes to the Faculty Handbook for uniformity, clarity, and cohesiveness prior to submitting the changes to the Faculty Senate shared governance process. Approved by General Faculty 27 April 2017. Approved by Washburn Board of Regents 15 June 2017.

7 May 2018

Part VII.B.3.1. – The Academic/Sweet Sabbaticals Committee is no longer a subset of the Faculty Affairs Committee and has now been moved to VII.E.11. under the category of Advisory Committee. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.

Part VII.E.2. – Board of Student Media structure was updated. Approved by General Faculty 3 May 2018.

Edits to reflect title and unit name changes. June 2024